(f) The Miracle of bringing the Sun down.

289. The unbelievers who were present stood stupefied. They began to reproach the Pir , accusing him of pretending to be the Creator Himself. By his action he had committed the sin of the violation of the prescriptions of the religion, deserving the punishment (ta'zîr) under the law of shariat. The crowd hotly discussed all this.

290. None of them, however, dared to come before the Pir himself and tell him the truth. Behind his back, they uttered abuse against him. The hearts of these unfaithful people were shaken, none of them had reached the Goal.

291. Sat Gur-ji , accompanied by the boy, meanwhile left the city. They had no food till the sun had passed over their heads (i.e.. afternoon).

292. Then Sat Gur-ji sat down to meditate in the shadow of a tree, and himself perceived that he had breached the banks of the shar'(sharî'at) . He acted as if he were the Creator of the World Himself. (As the punishment for this) he removed his own skin from head to foot.

293. He handed the skin over to the boy, and together they returned to the city where he handed over the skin to the people.

294. Sat Gur told them to take it because he had brought back to life a slave of God, the boy, thus committing the sin of violation of the shariat.

295. The people were confused in their minds. That is why they have not recognized the Datar (Creator) Himself in the person of the Pir . By that time Sat Gur Shams began to feel hungry, and went to a butcher's shop.

296. The inhabitants of the city decided not to give him anything to eat because he had brought the dead boy to life by his own authority, and such an act was contrary to religion.

297. Such a sin could only be atoned for by the sinner's being flayed alive. They made a proclamation in the city, ordering that no one should give him anything to eat until the punishment had been inflicted.

298. When the news reached the ears of Sat Gur Shams, he came to the butcher's house, asking him to sell some cooked food for which he was willing to pay.

299. The butcher hesitated, being afraid of the order promulgated in the city, which forbade the giving of anything to the Pir .

300. He was ashamed, however, and offered to sell the Pir some raw mutton, as the cooked food was not yet ready.

301. Pir Shams agreed, and the butcher at once sold him a piece of raw mutton. This he took away to ask someone to give him the use of a fire with which to cook it. But no one gave him a fire.

302. He felt very hungry because it was only four ghadis (about one and a half hours) before sunset. He then stood up and invoked the sun to come down. The sun at once obeyed, and began to descend.

303. The sun said to him : "0, Lord! What can I do for Thee? I am at Thy service, ready to do anything ordered."

304. Pir Shams then ordered the sun to cook the mutton, so that both he and the boy, who were very hungry could eat it.

305. Sat Gur lifted the piece of mutton on a spear (neja, i.e. Pers. nayza) , holding it before the sun. 16. The sun descended and remained just over it. The whole world became terrified.

306. The people began to burn, raising a great wall, thinking the Judgment Day had come and they had no means to reach the Goal.

307. The people and the king began to burn; birds and beasts jumped in agony. They deeply repented, but none could stop the calamity.

308. None could approach the sun. All suffered terribly and looked for the one who had caused the catastrophe.

309. When the piece of mutton was properly fried, and the sun returned to its place, Sat Gur asked the boy where they should go to take their meal as they were very hungry….
