Garbi No. 25.

1. When the last night (of the Norta) arrived, all the companions again met (near the garbi ).

2. The Guru-ji danced much with all the ascetics who met him there.

3. The king with a great multitude of his subjects assembled there. They prostrated themselves before the Guru-ji.

4. They all implored Guru Shams.

5. Praying him to convert them to his religion.

6. Through this they will be forgiven for all their sinful acts. Being so pious, they will forever remain with the Truth.

7. All the Brahmans left their scriptures and prostrated themselves before the Gur-ji.

8. All of them implored the Guru to teach them (the principles of) his religion.

9. They said: "We have given up all falsehoods on hearing the teaching of the Guru-ji 47.

10. Now we have nothing to do with the three Veds 48. Take us as thy followers.

11. Thou, Guru , art a true Muslim, teach us thy religion.

12. We, Hindus, have left the false gods, we are ready to believe in the din, religion of Islam.

13. We shall sow good seeds to reap a Good Harvest.

14. We pray, convert us to thy religion which we shall treasure at the bottom of our hearts.

15. We have given up false scriptures, teach us the principles of the Coran.

16. Guide us to the true religion and its prescriptions.

17. The Guru-ji , with great benevolence, guided them to the True Path, as their Brahman (spiritual guide).

18. These eternal words of spiritual advice have been uttered by Pir Shams himself.
