Garbi No. 11

1. "If you faithfully drink the Paval (sacred water) , you will reap a Good Harvest.

2. You will be saved as were the 99 crores of the Jaksha who attained immortality.

3. Or the 55 crores of the Meghmal,24 who also reached their goal in a like way.

4. Or the 32 crores of the Kinners,25 who also attained salvation.

5. Or the 33 crores of the devtas, gods, who were also saved, reaping the Good Harvest in the same way.

6. After these, at the time of the four Ghadis, and of the last Kalap, pious souls reached their goal.

7. There were five crores of the souls with Prehlad who worshiped Narsingh.26

8. There were seven crores of souls with Harishchandra, saved by Ramchandra.27

9. In the same way Shri Buddha saved nine crores of souls with the Pandav princes.

10. King Yudhistir 28 was heir prince and all of them were saved (in) his name.

11. In these ages of Kaljug twelve crores of souls of the righteous and faithful

12. will be saved by Pir Sadru'd-dīn himself.

13. They are the devotees of the Apostle of God, Muhammad name, and of Ali, the Incarnation of the Deity.

14. Whoever follows the Sat Panth, will surely be saved in these last ages.

15. They will all partake of the Paval drink and pay tithes.

16. Whoever acts according to the forty commandments will meet Anant.

17.They will be blessed in Paradise, and will receive immortality.

18-19. Seventy one forefathers on their fathers' and mothers' sides will accompany them in Paradise.

20.Those who worship the idols, false gods, will be settled in Hell.

21. so says Pir Shams, inviting the dancers to join the Truth.
