Source: Speeches, I, pp. 49-52
Mr Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen
I thank you for your kindness in inviting me to this function tonight and giving me an opportunity to meet the representatives of an important section of the business and industrial community of Karachi.
You have referred to the advice I gave on another occasion to the members of my own community to assist in the building of this country.
A very great responsibility lies upon the shoulders of the business and industrial community of any country, still more so in the case of one as Pakistan. That responsibility consists not only in contributing to the material well-being of the nation but also in setting a course based on moral and humanitarian values which will make you an honoured part of [the] fabric of the nation. I have in mind not only the observance of business ethics but also here the pursuit of social welfare and other progressive measures.
The whole world knows that this young country made rapid strides in the field of industrial development despite many handicaps from which it has suffered. Within a short space of time, it has forged ahead and occupied a respected position in the comity of nations.
But it has yet to achieve the basis of lasting economic stability and prosperity for its peoples. A fairly large section of its populace still suffer from want and stands in need of the minimum amenities which are essential for the continued progress of a nation. You, who are successful members of the business and industrial community, have to see that the fruits of the advancement which the country is making are not gathered by the chosen few alone, but are fairly distributed over the whole nation.
If there is industrial development as spectacular as we find in Pakistan, its impact should be felt and its benefits enjoyed by the common man in the remotest parts of the country. You can play a decisive part in bringing this about. Once you do this, you could feel justly proud of the achievements made by this country.
In the sphere of international trade, your name, the name of the businessmen in Pakistan should be synonymous with sound commercial dealings.
I hope you will build up a world-wide reputation for fair dealing, and thereby not only help yourselves but also create a fund of goodwill for your homeland. I am saying this only to lay added stress on this important aspect which is the foundation upon which all the great trading nations have built their prosperity.
You have suggested, Mr President, the setting up of a technical institute to the memory of my illustrious grandfather. This is naturally a question to which we have already given some thought and I am delighted to know that the business community here has been thinking on similar lines. But I am sure you will understand me when I say that a project of this kind ought not to be undertaken without a great deal of forethought and preparation.
First we must be sure that it will meet a real and continuing need in the country as a whole. If, for example, it were to take the form of some educational foundation or scholarship fund, we must also be certain that it fits into the general pattern of national educational policy. I see from my newspapers this morning that this is still in the process of formulation. Finally we must be sure that the necessary funds are available not merely for the creation of such a memorial but for sustaining it in the years to come. You may be sure that we shall give all these questions our very serious attention and it will be a very great encouragement to our community to know that such a powerful organization as this is ready to give us its support when the time comes.
May I conclude by saying how much I am enjoying this visit to Karachi -- a city for whose people I shall always have the highest regard and affection. I wish everyone of you success in the great tasks which lie before you.
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