21] For an excellent study of the policy of the forty-eight and forty-ninth Imams in an East African country, see Eva Kjcllbcrg. The Ismailis of Tanzania, micrographed by the Institute of Public Administration, University College, Dar-es-Salaam, 1967.
[22] A large number of interviews were recorded with Isma’ilis of various age groups on subjects which included the nature of the Isma’ili understanding of God, of revelation, of mysticism, of the status of women, of the equality and brotherhood of the human race and a good deal else, There is some discussion of the considerable Isma’ili contribution to Sunni Islam in N. King’s Christian and Muslim in Africa, New York, 1971. Files of newspapers cuttings and pamphlets on these various subjects in both English and Gujrati were started. These were deposited in the Department of Religious Studies in Kampala.