1. Purify thy heart, and keep it free from defilement.
2.Take thy food not before thou hast bathed thy body every day.
3. Observe the commandments of Truthfulness day and night.
4. Always speak only the truth.
5. Treat everybody with sympathetic understanding.
6.Remember that the Creator rewards the deserving.
7. Understand sympathetically the sufferings of those around thee.
8. Respect the word of those who are older than thyself, as well as those who are younger.
9. Do not be proud when occupying a superior position.
10. Keep thy temper under control. This is the tenth commandment.
11. Never neglect the prescriptions of religion.
12. Devote thyself to meditation in the company of good friends.
13. Join the prayers with the ghat every day.
14. Sincerely respect the Gor and the mukhi .
15. Worship the Name of God every day to be (really) pious.
16. Never show signs of pride, (always remember that) modesty is the highest virtue.
17. Never be greedy, even in the slightest degree.
18. Keep thy heart pure (and free from the temptation of accepting bribes).
19. Never utter lies.
20. Receive the guest kindly; be kind to beggars.
21. Feed the hungry.
22. Quench the thirst of the thirsty.
23. Cover the nakedness of the naked.
24.Take care of thy relatives and family.
25. Never cheat anyone, always pay in full.
26. Never demand anything in excess of what is due.
27. Never have sexual intercourse with other people's wives.
28. Never cast the evil eye upon others.
29. Never give false evidence, nor say what thou dost not know for certain.
30. Never deceive or swindle anyone.
31. Never utter a threat to strike anyone .
32. Never take interest (on a loan).
33. Never commit the sin of selling bones.
34. Never sell birds or animals. 1
35. Never castrate an animal. Who does this is a great sinner.
36. Never build for thyself a luxurious house.
37. Never demand money as bride price.
38. Give alms to the deserving.
39. Never forge a (money) document.
40. After relieving thyself use five achman (sips of water). This fortieth kriya is of great importance.
41. Use earth (or sand) while cleaning thy hands bathe, keep thy body clean.
42. Wash after having passed water.
43. Take three achman to be pious.
44. Never chew tobacco, or any similar preparation. 2
45. Never take intoxicants.
46. Do not put on clothes died with indigo.
47. Avoid the company of bad people.
48. Keep fasts, this is an (important) religious duty.
49. Do not worship water or a stone.) 3
50. Do not keep as a deposit the money of a doubtful origin.
51. Be mentally alert, do not miss good opportunities.
52. Repeat prayers (= names of the Deity) for attaining the eternal abode (or bliss).
53. Never take of food which was not offered to thee, this is a grave sin.
54. Never wind thy turban pretentiously.
55. Do not eat too much.
56.Suppress lust; do not fall in love.
57. Treat the wife of the elder brother as thy mother.
58. (If thou wishest to live as) ascetics, give up all property.
59. Do not annoy thy neighbours.
60. Never commit a breach of trust.
61. Never pick up anything lost by others.
62. Do not intentionally cause pain to anyone.
63. Never borrow money, nor buy anything on credit.
64. Never run away with anyone's money.
65. Always pay what is due without demur or anger, as a son pays to his own father.
66. Use thy brains, seek for knowledge; do not look down upon anyone.
67. Never use abusive language.
68. Be (always) ready to render account in everything to the Deity.
69. Never argue in order simply to prove that thou art always right.
70. Never gamble.
71. Never listen to music or singing, never attend theatrical performances. They lead to depravity and loss of spiritual control.
72. Express praise, but never utter condemnation of food made of corn.
73. Never make an idol, nor keep it in thy house.
74. Do not permit thy soul to be obsessed by worries.
75. Avoid the sick. 4
76. Never eat while walking.
77. Do not believe in Khat Darshan. If thou dost, thou shalt repent this. 5
78. In the actions follow the commandments of the Veds.6
79. Live reasonably and observe cleanliness.
80. Do not kill thyself by poison or drowning in such a case thou wilt be re-born, and wilt come back to this world.
81. Control thy passions in youth.
82. Never entrust secrets to any woman.
83. Never sprinkle impure water upon fire.
84. Never break a live tree.
85. Never torture dumb creatures.
86. Never leave in the vessel what remains of the food thou eatest. 7
87. Never give intentionally to animals what remains after thy meal.
88. Never criticise or disclose to others anyone's shortcomings.
89. Never drink unclean or muddy water.
90. Never intentionally kill any living being.
91. Make ablutions at dawn or in the morning, before going to work.
92. Never remain ritually unclean.
93. Bathe at the ghats .
94. Devote thyself to meditation only after having cleaned thyself.
95. Never eat garlick or onions.
96. Never eat crumbs or anything that remains after someone's meal.
97. Patiently bear misfortunes that befall thee, and never permit sorrow to interfere with religious duties. 98. Do good even to those who, are against thee and cause thee harm.
99. Be sincere in giving the advice when anyone asks thee.
100. Keep (this) rosary in thy hands, and always think of the Deity.

O, munivar , dost thou practice the hundred kriyas mentioned here ? Practice them if thou desirest to approach Brahma, and drink the nectar of the eternal bliss.

1. O, munivar , love new converts, help them to follow their new religion.

2. Put upon thyself the sacred thread of the hundred kriyas.

3. Only those who have communion with Shri Brahm are the brahmans. They will not undergo the sufferings of further re-birth. O, munivar, dost thou hear this Bhrahm-gnan.

4. Go to worship at the ghat! ! Go and bathe thyself !

5. Knowledge of Brahm pleases the Gor All the 68 sacred places of pilgrimage lie at the feet of the Gor .

6. The True Divine Gor , in the form of the human gor, the teacher, sits at the ghat, teaching thee. Blessed are those who through his human form can perceive the True Divine Gor!

7. Strive to understand this from learning and meditation, and thou wilt find what thou seekest.

8. The true munivar is only he who has found that spiritual knowledge.

9. The true munivar is only he who has acquired complete control over his mind.

10. Gor Imâm Shâh says: "O, ghat !" Dost thou hear what has been said here? Dost thou desire to put upon thyself the sacred thread of the hundred Kriyas ? This is the end of the holy Shikshapatri. *

*As the reader may see, the main portion of the Shikshapatri is practically the same as that of the Sau-Kiriya, translated above. Note that while the later is supposed to be the work of Pir Sadru'd-din, the former appears to the work of Imam Shah. The difference is only found in the introductory and conclusive portions, which surely do not belong to the original gnan . The text of the Shikshapatri is in Maratthi, and is used by the Eastern Satpanth branch. The followers of that branch are found in East Khandesh, i.e. the district of Burhanpur, but there are also many scattered in other districts of East Khandesh, as also in those of West Khandesh, Nimar and Berar (Akola, Amraoti, Malkapur and Buldhana). The Author of this translation who is at present the Pir of the sect, residing in Bahadurpur, a short distance from Burhanpur, is a well-educated young man who takes a keen interest in the study of the history of the community of which he is now the head. Concerning his predecessors, and generally the history of the pirs of Khandesh see W. Ivanow, "The Sect of Imam Shah in Gujrat" (Journal of the Bombay Branch of the R.A.S., 1936,pp . 69-70). The family of the pirs regard themselves as strictly orthodox Sunnis, and treat their ancestors as Sufic pirs.

