Loneliness: Why is it inseperable from human existence?

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Loneliness: Why is it inseperable from human existence?

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<H3>&nbsp;If there is a feeling that we feel most often,<BR>and spend most of our effort masking, it would be best<BR>described as loneliness.&nbsp; We feel it when we are<BR>driving our cars, but we mask it by turning our radios<BR>on.&nbsp; We feel it when we get home from work, but we<BR>mask it by turning our television o&shy;n.&nbsp; We feel it when<BR>we talk to people, and mask it with fake<BR>conversations, in which we pretend we are doing<BR>“pretty good” or “just fine”.&nbsp; We feel it when we are<BR>in a club, with hundreds of people, and we can’t quite<BR>figure out what every o&shy;ne is celebrating.&nbsp; <BR> Many go through extreme measures to relieve<BR>themselves of this feeling by doing drugs, drinking,<BR>having promiscuous sex, and even getting married (last<BR>one’s a joke).&nbsp; However, indulging in these activities<BR>only lets you forget your loneliness, it does not<BR>replace it with a happier feeling.<BR> But, why do we feel lonely?&nbsp; Is there a reason for<BR>why loneliness is inseparable to human existence?&nbsp; Can<BR>we nurture this feeling?&nbsp; In order to better answer<BR>these questions, o&shy;ne must ask “when do I not feel<BR>lonely?”.&nbsp; Most people will agree that the feeling of<BR>loneliness is overshadowed when they feel love: love<BR>for their family, love for their friends, love for<BR>people they may not even know, and love for God.&nbsp; Love<BR>gives you a sense of completeness.&nbsp; And isn’t the best<BR>antonym for loneliness - completeness?<BR> Is it humanly possible though to feel love all the<BR>time?&nbsp; This may not be possible in the world that we<BR>live in.&nbsp; A person needs to express many emotions, all<BR>of which are healthy and often times necessary.&nbsp; But,<BR>is it possible, to always keep the love alive in your<BR>hearts?&nbsp; For that, you say, you would have to become a<BR>figure of love i.e. someone like Mother Teresa.&nbsp; I<BR>say, that is indeed true.&nbsp; But, the more love you try<BR>to have for others and your Creator, the more love it<BR>will help you reach for.&nbsp; This process will continue<BR>till the point where are blessed with the light, and<BR>the light will forever make an abode for love in your<BR>hearts and your soul.<BR> What purpose does this feeling of loneliness serve<BR>then?&nbsp; Why is this feeling so inseparable from human<BR>existence?&nbsp; Is it possible that it exists to remind<BR>you that you think your identity is of a human?&nbsp; Is it<BR>possible that it exists so that you can seek for<BR>yourself a better title such as “God’s Servant”? <BR>Maybe, this feeling of loneliness, is not to be<BR>masked, but be accepted, and used for you search for<BR>inner happiness.&nbsp;&nbsp; <BR></H3>
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Joined: Tue Apr 15, 2003 8:32 am


Post by shamsu »

The things you describe sound to me like antics of our Mann to prevent us from reaching the Truth.

Mowla Aly Kalam says "Mann tera dushman hai"

and in ginans it has been said that "Mann ne maro toe gur kahe mane malo"

The mann depends upon our thoughts and thinking processes to survive. If thoughts stop mann is dead. they are like oxygen to him/her.

A very interesting tactic the Mann utilizes is to make us believe that the mann is us or a part of us.

This illusion of multiples would collapse and the truth of Al Ahad become evident if the mind loses this battle. This struggle is the meaning of Life in my humble opinion.

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