ISLAM.My understanding

Discussion on doctrinal issues
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ISLAM.My understanding

Post by nuseri »

Ya Ali Madad.
My Humble request to Admin.I am going all out in point by point based on Sufi/Baatin angle of my understanding.Please if you can avoid and delete any post and counter posting will derail my topic as I plan to few more postings.
this message may come is use of scholars and Bhagats now and future to ponder and affirm/or reject on it.( 1-50 points)

1.Islam is a Faith and way of Life(current living one) with submission to the will of God.
It may not exactly be a religion locked into acts of the founder.
person of any faith can more Islamic than ignorant already a Muslim un believer

2.Allah is a powerful SIGNATURE NAME ( last one out of 350 names) of ALI in Quran.

3.There Life again and again or life after Life on this planet earth for all human being.

4.In an Ayat ,God has specifically mentioned the word Rasikunfililm ,those with deep understanding to explain the holy book. it mean it has advised those
with shallow understanding to read to keep it to themselves and not explain it.
If a person does not feel that he/she(the reader is living in Quran and existing in it from page 01 of it may not qualify to deeply understand even ONE Ayats.
( just 0.10% of Ayat misunderstood) can be DISASTER.
for example just meaning of Imam E Mubin as Book.has left 95% ummah
if God says Face of thy lord.
it mean he has face.either he is telling a LIE or a person is not willing to accept the truth but lying to itself and confined to it.

5.In a Farman Imam Jaffar Sadiq explains the name Allah.
he has used the word secret and mystery..
so a person with rational mind must to find the secret and unfold the mystery.Answer is there in the question itself.

6.Our Ismaili Kalima has very deep understanding.
It expresses the Evolution of Life and process of Spirituality.
7. The Salvat we pray is actually a prayer to ALI to raise our souls to the
level of Mohammed( Marifat).

7.NOOR is subtle light of Divine Intellect.

8.Intellect/understanding can ONLY ONLY be sourced to a Human being with thinking mind to express it.

9.If MHI desires from us to Fatimid Era.It specifically means not just to read history of the past but to revive the same level intellectual flowering
and be like those stalwarts in TODAYS time.

10. A scholar worthy of being callled as one.must give near zero time
act of rituals and live in 100% past give low level time Academic of religion ( living 67% in the past) but rather focus on Inspiration of Faith
and live 100% in the present and be future ready.

11. Pirs and Prophets pray to ALI and are not Immuned from mistakes
so they come under ALI. God has no equal partners.

12.Science has proved that all of creation has minimum two parts of composition in water is H2O and Oil is hydrocarbon.
Air is composition three gases.
so what can be NOBLE search of name of the God itself ?
Water has been around for billion year but its TRUE composition was known by intellect of Scientist just 140 years back.
there would no harm if name of Allah is rediscovered as Ali+lah+Allah.
let us try to find the secret and unfold the mystery, no rocket science needed ,just a rational mind with Faith.

that is for today,will add many points of Ayat and Farman.
I will not reply to any one till all my points are posted.
and reply will will on other existing topic.
Admin please try to keep this topic clean.
Posts: 6711
Joined: Mon Jan 06, 2003 10:37 am

Post by Admin »

All of these subjects are discussed in a separate thread each. Please do not mix-up all those subjects.

Actually the subject you choose is the sum of all the subjecst of this Forum. This is a Forum, not a blog. You can not do this!

The thread becomes completely unusable when you do this. It just confuse the person that search on the internet looking for a specific subject and then ends up completely pissed-off (excuse my language) and put the link in his black list.

The Forum loose credibility and people visiting are disappointed as they do not find the subject indicated in the search.

I hope you understand and will be posting one subject per thread.