UK Didar dates, events and testimonies

Dates, testimonies, articles, descriptions
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Post by kmaherali »

Ismaili religious leader celebrates golden jubilee

BY Jon Sarpong
June 26, 2008 10:29 AM

Individuals from Canada, the United States and around the globe will converge on London, England, to commemorate the golden jubilee of Prince Karim Aga Khan, the 71-year-old spiritual and temporal leader of Shi'a Imami Nizari 'Ismaili' Muslims.

The observance of this anniversary began in France on July 11, 2007, exactly 50 years to the day he became the 49th hereditary imam (Living Guide) of the pluralistic and pacifist minority Shi'a community.

Today, close to 15 million Ismailis practice their faith in more than 50 countries around the world.

The Ismaili branch of Islam is the second largest part of the Shi'a community, after the Twelvers. The Ismaili get their name from their acceptance of Ismail bin Jafar as the divinely appointed spiritual successor (imam) to Jafar al-Sadiq, wherein they differ from the Twelvers, who accept Musa al-Kazim, younger brother of Ismail, as the true Imam.

The Ismaili and the Twelvers both accept the same initial imams from the descendants of Muhammad through his daughter Fatima Zahra and therefore share much of their early history.

As Muslims, the Ismailis affirm the fundamental Islamic testimony of truth, the Shahada, that there is no God but God (Allah in Arabic) and that Muhammad is His messenger. They believe that Muhammad was the last and final Prophet of Allah, and that the Holy Qur'an, Allah's final message to mankind, was revealed through him.

Muslims hold this revelation to be the culmination of the message that had been revealed through other prophets of the tradition before Muhammad, including Abraham, Moses and Jesus, all of whom Muslims revere as prophets of Allah.

During his week-long stay in the United Kingdom, the Aga Khan will be involved in meeting with representatives from various non-governmental organizations and charities with whom his global Aga Khan Development Network has been involved in humanitarian projects in various countries, including Afghanistan, Bangladesh and South Africa.

The pinnacle of celebration will be the special get together (Mulaquat) in solemn and tranquil surroundings with his spiritual followers at ExCel Centre in the London Docklands.

About 30,000 followers are expected to welcome Prince Aga Khan in jubilation of this monumental event. Adorned in a ceremonial religious robe and cap, and in possession of the Sword of Justice, Prince Aga Khan will wear the chain of office, which displays 49 links that inclusively symbolize his predecessors. With the signet ring used as the seal of the imam as far back as the 12th century, the Aga Khan will enter the Congregational Hall to continuous unified supplications, beseeching the creator to shower blessings on the Prophet Muhammad and his progeny (from whom The Aga Khan's ancestors originated more than 1,400 years ago).

Affectionately referred to by his devout followers as 'Hazar Imam' (Present and Living Guide), the Aga Khan will be imparting spiritual and worldly advice as to how his followers should live and conduct themselves in their personal environment and impart religious knowledge and directives that reflect the ethics of their esoteric faith.

This historic event will mark a milestone in the lives of millions around the globe, as well as thousands of Toronto Ismailis participating in this event.

Visit for details on the celebration of Prince Karim Aga Khan's golden jubilee.

Jon Sarpong is a diversity consultant. He provides independent diversity training and consultation for various organizations. To suggest a story idea for Panorama, e-mail jsarpong@....
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Post by JackJack »

YAM Kasim,

Any news on the dates of the Paris visit? Our tickets are booked to return to Canada on the 16th but if there is news about a Paris visit soon thereafter, we can try to extend out tickets.

Any information you can provide would be much appreciated!

You always seem to be correct about the dates and have helped us book and save alot of money!

Thank you for your help!
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Post by kmaherali »

His Highness the Aga Khan in the United Kingdom
to mark Golden Jubilee visit

Official seven-day trip will mark 50 years of becoming Imam (spiritual leader) of the Shia Ismaili Muslims
and the Aga Khan Development Network’s long-standing partnership with the British Government

2 July 2008, London, United Kingdom - His Highness the Aga Khan, arrives later today on an official seven-day visit to the United Kingdom on the occasion of his Golden Jubilee.

During this visit, the Imam (Spiritual Leader) of the Shia Ismaili Muslims will attend a dinner hosted by Her Majesty the Queen to mark his Golden Jubilee and to acknowledge the close relationship he and his family have had over generations with the British Monarchy and the UK.

The Aga Khan is scheduled to meet with the Prime Minister and the Foreign Secretary as well as the Secretary of State for International Development. The Lord Chancellor, Secretary of State for Justice, will host a lunch in his honour. He will also meet with the Leader of the Opposition and the Mayor of London. During his visit, the Aga Khan will meet with members of the Ismaili community.

The Aga Khan Development Network has had a longstanding relationship with development partners in the United Kingdom. Over the past 25 years, AKDN has received approximately $100m in complementary support of its development activities from UK institutions, primarily the Department for International Development (DfID) and its predecessors. The geographic areas of cooperation between the British Government and AKDN include Africa, Central Asia, Afghanistan, India and Pakistan, where UK support has played an important role in making a difference in the quality of life of tens of millions of people.

During his visit to the United Kingdom, the Aga Khan will host a dinner for senior members of the Government, diplomats, distinguished leaders from industry, academia, the arts, faith communities, the NGO sector as well as leaders of the Ismaili community. The evening will provide an opportunity for the Aga Khan to thank the British Government and the civil society representatives for their unwavering support and commitment.

During the past 50 years, the Aga Khan has fostered and overseen the growth of one of the largest private development networks in the world. The Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) is engaged in a wide range of activities in education, healthcare, rural development, cultural and economic development. These activities are undertaken for the common good of all citizens, regardless of their gender, origin or religion in some of the poorest regions of the world. The work of the
Aga Khan Development Network is undertaken through its nine agencies in partnership with Governments and leading multilateral agencies.

The Aga Khan has received numerous awards and decorations. The title ‘His Highness’ was bestowed to him by Her Majesty the Queen in 1957.

This visit to the United Kingdom is one of many that the Aga Khan is undertaking around the world in commemoration of his Golden Jubilee year – the 50th anniversary of becoming the Imam (spiritual leader) of the Shia Ismaili Muslims – an ethnically diverse community whose members reside in some 25 countries, including the UK. He is founder and Chairman of the Aga Khan Development Network.

For more information, please contact:
Kris Janowski
Head of Communications Department
Secretariat of His Highness the Aga Khan
Tel. +33 68 30 85 233
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Post by jeeshanali »

Dear All,

Ya ali miadad,

Uk jamat and international jamat travelling to uk wish u all a wonderful darbar.Please remember me in your dua.

Take care

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Post by Admin »
Asked what was discussed at the Prime Minister's meeting with the Aga Khan, the PMS said that they had discussed the cooperation between the Government and the Aga Khan Development Network, which supported projects in health, education, poverty alleviation, peace and stability. The Prime Minister had also congratulated the Aga Khan on his golden jubilee.
Daily Mail, UK
The Queen is personally honouring the Aga Khan with a private banquet at
Buckingham Palace on Monday to mark his golden jubilee.

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Post by Important_Information »

YAM to all,
(There were 28,000 murid present (capacity of hall is 35,000)
Awal Sufro went for £1.4 Million)

Arrival of MHI at Darbar hall ExCel

MHI arrived at Darbar Hall (ExCel) at 3:47:01 pm. (that is about 13 mins earlier) MHI get off the car and meet Zauhar Megjee (Our UK council president) and walked towards the stairs continue wishing every one of the welcome team, then MHI went up the Excel stairs and walk between the volunteers who were lined up either side, MHI stop at five different places during this walk and bless with His Right hand over the shoulder of three different volunteers and gave Blessings, at one place MHI talk for about one min with a single lady volunteer and at other place MHI spoke with an other volunteer for about 20 secs then MHI was greeted by Darkhana Mukhi & Kamadia from there MHI went to the special room; there MHI dress up His “GJ Darbar Jabbo” then MHI spend 4 mins with Jamati leaders before stepping in His “Mubarak Kadam” into the Darbar gate.

Arrival of MHI into Darbar hall, time 3:59:58pm

On arrival into the Darbar MHI straight away turn right and walked through the elderly and disable people area, MHI walked horizontally 2 lanes that was right across the Darbar hall and went to the stage.

(With the blessings of MHI I have attended several Darbar and many Dedar BUT I never saw MHI that happy as at this occasion.)

After all the ceremonies on the stage MHI took a different path and walk through the other of two horizontal lanes and again pass through the elderly and disable people area leaving the Darbar area; went to the special room and pass some time with the Mukhi Kamdia and other Jamati Leaders.

Non-Ismaili area.

MHI went to the non-Ismailis family members, there MHI spoke to 11 individual and shake hands with several; and place His Mubarak hand on the head of three individual children. MHI spend about 12 mins with them.

Before leaving MHI spoke to Mukhi for several mins. (but sorry to say that Mukhi didn’t convey that message to the Jamat). MHI left at 5:24:36pm. MHI waved three time His right hand before got into the car.

Stage ceremony and Farman Mubarak

First let me tell you the MHI Make us laugh six times during the farman and deliberately make us clapping, in the beginning only about 25% of Jamat clapped so MHI said a wonderful phrase and waited for every one to clap on this happy occasion and that makes every one present there clapping for a while. All together the Jamat where clapping at four different time during farman.
(Stage ceremony and Farman Mubarak step by step I will post soon, within couple of days)

Mubarak To World Jamat

Kasim Ali

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Post by kmaherali »

Updates from

United Kingdom visit
Friday, 4 July

Professor Azim Nanji and Dr Farhad Daftary of the IIS present Mawlana Hazar Imam with a copy of The Ismailis: An Illustrated History. Photo: Gary Otte

This morning, Mawlana Hazar Imam met with faculty and staff from The Institute of Ismaili Studies and the Aga Khan University’s Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations at the Ismaili Centre. During the reception, the leaders of the IIS presented Mawlana Hazar Imam with a copy of their latest publication titled The Ismailis: An Illustrated History.

Later, the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, visited the Ismaili Centre to meet with Mawlana Hazar Imam.

Additional photographs are available in the photo gallery. Updates on Mawlana Hazar Imam’s Golden Jubilee visit to the United Kingdom will continue to be posted at

Thursday, 3 July

Mawlana Hazar Imam with British Prime Minister The Rt Hon Gordon Brown at 10 Downing Street. Photo: Gary Otte

This morning, on the first full day of his Golden Jubilee visit to the United Kingdom, Mawlana Hazar Imam met with the British Government’s Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, the Rt Hon David Miliband MP at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office.

Mawlana Hazar Imam was a guest of honour at a luncheon hosted by the Rt Hon Jack Straw, Secretary of State for Justice and the Lord Chancellor. After lunch Mawlana Hazar Imam met with the British Prime Minister, the Rt Hon Gordon Brown.

In the evening Mawlana Hazar Imam hosted a reception for diplomats and senior government officials, followed by an Imamat dinner attended by political and civil society leaders from across the United Kingdom.

In his speech at the event, Mawlana Hazar Imam acknowledged the various partners in the UK and Europe that have worked with the Aga Khan Development Network and spoke of the development of the Jamat in the UK. The Rt. Hon John Denham, Secretary of State for Innovation, Universities and Skills, delivered a short address acknowledging the work done by Mawlana Hazar Imam and the AKDN in the United Kingdom.

Also see the text of Mawlana Hazar Imam’s speech as well as related coverage on the AKDN website.

Wednesday, 2 July

Leaders of the UK Jamat welcoming Mawlana Hazar Imam to London. Photo: Gary Otte

This afternoon, Mawlana Hazar Imam arrived in London, England, commencing his seven-day Golden Jubilee visit to the United Kingdom. He was greeted at the airport by officials of the British Government and leaders of the UK Jamat.
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Post by kmaherali »

Speech by His Highness the Aga Khan
Speech by His Highness the Aga Khan at the
Banquet in London, United Kingdom

3 July 2008
(Please also see Related Material)


Baroness Thatcher
Secretary of State John Denham
High Representative Solana
Your Excellencies
My Lords
Ladies and Gentlemen

What a great pleasure it is for me to welcome you tonight - to greet so many friends, old and new - and to acknowledge how much your friendship - and that of this country - has meant to me.

I am deeply grateful for your warm welcome. I am no stranger to London, but this is a very special visit, as it is part of a year-long celebration - the Golden Jubilee anniversary of my Imamat.

I came to this office in 1957 upon the passing away of my grandfather. I was an undergraduate university student at that time - and perhaps I seemed a rather unusual student, when I showed up for the next school term with two secretaries and a personal assistant!

In Islamic thought and practice, the world of the spirit and the world of daily life are inseparably intertwined. This is why, over a half century, my role as a spiritual leader has also required me to act in a host of social, economic and cultural endeavours, in order to secure and enhance the well being of the Ismailis and the communities amongst which they live. The Aga Khan Development Network has grown out of those efforts, and I am happy to say, the size of its staff has also grown just a bit since my undergraduate days!

In all of these endeavours, we have developed wonderful partnerships with many institutions around the world. And many of our most effective partners have come from this country.

These partnerships have involved many collaborators - governmental and private, academic and charitable, non-profit and commercial, religious and secular, national and international - providing not only financial resources but also human resources and intellectual capital. London has also been an important base for our work with Governments around Europe, and with the European Union itself.

Many of our partners - from the UK and other parts of Europe - are represented here tonight. We have been fortunate in these relationships, and I would like to express my deep gratitude to all those who have made them possible.

Our spirit of partnership here has deep roots. Over a century ago, my grandfather, Sir Sultan Mahomed Shah Aga Khan, worked closely with Her Majesty Queen Victoria and her governments in the pursuit of common ideals. These ties were further strengthened by the strong presence of the Ismaili community - initially in places which later became Commonwealth countries, and later, here in the United Kingdom.

Many of the developing countries in which Ismailis lived were just coming into independent nationhood when I took office fifty years ago. Since that time, my attention has been focused on their challenges. My goal has been to improve the quality of life and to build new opportunity for Ismailis and the peoples amongst whom they live, while strongly supporting their pluralism and diversity.

The approach we take in the Aga Khan Development Network is non-denominational and holistic. It encompasses both the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors. We seek to catalyze the creation of necessary basic infrastructure, together with the provision of good quality education and healthcare. We are concerned with ensuring access to appropriate credit for the poor at the same time as we are working to sustain the arts and culture.

It is particularly in the field of rural development in East Africa, South East Asia and Central Asia that we have established long standing and successful programmes with the Department for International Development. This has been born of a common philosophy and approach, and has resulted in an improvement in the quality of life for tens of millions of people in some of the poorest regions in the world.

It is striking to me that in 1957, there were only about 100 Ismaili residents in this country, and most of them were students. Today, there are fourteen thousand Ismailis permanently living here and of all ages and walks of life.

Our story in this country is a case study in the settlement of an immigrant community - one which originated from East Africa, the Indian subcontinent and now Central Asia. Upheavals in their native lands - wars of independence, civil wars, collapsed economies and other dislocations affected the Ismailis and millions of others around them. Today almost one third of my community in this country have been born in the United Kingdom. They have maintained their religious and cultural identity and they are well integrated into their local environment. It is a community in which over 90 per cent of the university age population participate in tertiary education. The average household income is a third higher than the national average - although I say this with some trepidation as I hope we are not being overheard by Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs!

Britain has been an enabling environment. As a result, the community is now making a meaningful contribution to the economy and civic society, whilst also providing a resource to support initiatives in other parts of the world.

In 1957, there was only one Ismaili space here for congregational prayer - and that was on leased premises! Creating places of prayer as centres for community life was fundamental to ensuring the cohesion of the community, and there are now over 40 such places. Among them, of course, a central focal point is The Ismaili Centre, located in South Kensington. Having Baroness Thatcher with us tonight is particularly significant because The Ismaili Centre was opened by her in 1985.

Like other Ismaili Centres around the world, the London Centre serves not only as a gathering place for Ismailis, but as an active participant in local society, sponsoring a variety of cultural initiatives - exhibitions, lectures and other public events. These efforts reflect our pride in our heritage and our eagerness to share it with others.

We have also, in these recent decades, established two new institutions of higher learning here, The Institute of Ismaili Studies, and The Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilizations, which is part of the Aga Khan University. They both offer Masters level teaching programmes, they engage in research and publication, and they also develop curriculum materials for children in primary and secondary schools. In all these efforts, they take a holistic, civilizational approach to Islamic studies, rather than emphasizing the more narrow domain of theological dialectic.

What some describe as a clash of civilizations in our modern world is, in my view, a clash of ignorances. This is why education about religious and cultural heritage is so critically important—and why we will continue to invest in these institutions. We deeply believe that scholarship, publication and instruction—of high quality and generous breadth-- can provide important pathways toward a more pluralistic and peaceful world.

All of these comments, then, speak to the context in which we gather tonight-- a rich history of partnership reaching deeply into the past - and extending, we hope and trust, into an even more productive future.

Thank you very much.
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Post by Admin »


Dear Family and Friends

Ya Ali Madad and ghani ghani mubaraki...

This was a most wonderful Didar we have ever experienced. Words cannot
express how fortunate we were to participate in this most happy Golden Jubilee Darbar. Mowlana Hazar Imam was emotional and in a very jovial and joking mood. We have never seen Him so happy.

The Intazari started at 1.00pm with tasbihs, ginans, qasidas and waez. This continued until MHI arrived 20 minutes earlier than scheduled at 3.40pm on Saturday 5th July 2008 at ExCel Centre, Docklands, London. A Police escort led the procession of 3 cars, and the arrival was shown on the big screens. This was a first in that throughout the visit, we were treated to amazing live relay on the big screens.

MHI walked up the upteen steps to the centre, retired to the private
chamber, donned the Golden Jubilee attire (jubbo and pagri) and entered the Darbar Hall at 4.00pm. What a fantastic regal entrance that was - tears of joy poured down the murids faces. The long hall had the significant International Jamat seated at the two ends of the hall, with the UK jurisdiction jamat in the middle, and the chairs lining up at the back of the hall, and at the two ends.

MHI graced the jamat with Didar by walking the length of the hall, first
turning right and then left on the long long back runner right upto the other
end of the hall, and turning left at the far end, walked onto the next long
runner to the far end of other side, and then turning right, walked half the
hallway to the simple but beautiful stage. He walked up the steps and sat on theTakht at 4.10. He gestured the Darkhana Mukhi/Kamadia Mukhiani/Kamadia to come and sit on the stage.

Mukhisaheb and Kamadiasaheb garlanded MHI with the golden chain, and
requested approval for the recitation of Tilawat-e-quran. Sura4 Ayat 174-5 was recited followed by the meaning. Ginan Sahebji tu more man bhave, followed by a Qasida Ali guyan, Ali juyam. Mowla looked at them with intensity and gave a big smile after each recitation. While the various recitations went on He was playing with his fingers repeatedly. While Sahebji tu was being recited, Mowla smiled as the verse Je Je mangu.
There followed the submission of mehmani on behalf of the jamat, and then the M/K of Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Sweden and Norway mehmanis on behalf of their countries, these are part of UK jurisdiction jamats. Ab-e Shifa ceremony took place.

The president of the National Council for UK gave the loyalty address.
MHI rose to make the Farman at 4.22pm, and what a Farman. He was so emotional and made a number of very important points always with the soft touch and a few jokes

details later. He spoke for 30 minutes.

A gift was presented by President saheb and a Fatimind glass vase was
presented by Vice-President. Before VP had a chance to step down from the stage, MHI was up walking to the mike. He made a short Farman, and then walked down the stage. He turned left and walked to the remaining half of the hall to the other end, and then walked the final runner all the way to end of the hall where the sick members of the jamat were lying on their beds. MHI walked amongst these murids and stopped between 2 beds and spoke to one little sick baby. He then walked out of the hall, and retired to the private chambers, where He spent considerable time with Mukhi/Kamadia, Presidentsaheb and Aitmadi Shafik Sachedina.

He later appeared outside the hall having changed back to the navy blue
suit. He then walked past the guard of honour of volunteers, talking to some of them including one cadet. He met with the non-Ismaili spouses and other non-Ismailis who were gathered together, stopping to talk to them in small groups.

He spent nearly 30 minutes with them.

MHI departed at 6.00 with a Police escort. In all MHI spent over 2 hours
with us…..shukar al-hamdulillah.
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Post by Admin »


Dear all:

Hazir Imam asked us to convey his best loving blessings to all family
members and to tell you that he places his hand individually on each one of you with blessings for mushkil asan, good health, long life, peace and
happiness. I kept each one of you including all children in my thoughts for
his blessings constantly.

The Darbar was held at ExCel center which has a capacity of 35,000. The
spaces were well organized and services and arrangements were well done. Mum and Dad got a seat in the seniors area reserved for international jamats. There were several huge screens in front of the hall with crystal clear images and the mikes were great.

Hazir Imam arrived about 10 minutes early. He walked around the hall ‹
which really was huge ‹ and Mum and Dad had a clear view. I sat in the
section in front of them, and had to turn around when he walked past and had a glimpse too. As usual, he was walking a mile a minute! And saying
Khanavadan every step or two.

Now here is the main part, namely, the gist of his firman with the very
strong caveat that all this is paraphrased and from memory, and I request
that it not be forwarded to anyone else without permission. Hazir Imam
indicated several areas of importance to him, and by extension, guidance and direction to the jamat:

First, we must work for the achievement of peace wherever we are, and to
seek practical and effective means for reducing conflict in society.

Second, we must address the unacceptable conditions of extreme poverty that exist in our own jamats and more generally worldwide.

Third, we must take care of the elderly and ensure that they are not sad and lonely. Medicine has extended our lives but the quality of life for the aged needs attention too.

In the above contexts, he again brought up the issue of institutional
development. He was not speaking of material contribution, but time and
knowledge that is required to build civil society.

(As an aside, money is clearly not a problem. Memani during evening prayers went to £ x. When bidding hit the £ x mark, the jamat applauded!)

Fourth, he emphasized that the premise of our faith is ethical behavior.
Modern society enjoys many freedoms but freedom must be governed by good judgment and a value system.

Fifth, he said faith must be practiced every moment, not just when we are
born and when we die. Be conscious of faith day and night and take the name of God, prophet, imams.

Sixth, reduce exposure to risk of the current slowdown or recession in the
economy. In addition to avoiding further debt, minimize risk and maximize
financial strength through business partnerships.

He said he loved his jamat but noted that they are individualists who felt
distrustful of joint ventures. To protect each other, develop an entry and
an exit strategy when going into partnerships. Do it with integrity.

He made several jokes, each had a substantive point to it. For instance, he
said the jamat must be wondering why the Imam is talking about economics. That¹s because the leaders have asked the Imam but it seems that what the Imam said has not been conveyed to the jamat. A long applause followed.

He was presented a rock crystal from the Fatimid period as nazrana after
which he stood and said that the Fatimid period was founded on principles
that are extremely important today including a concentration of knowledge, humanism or a humanistic outlook, and working for the unity of the ummah.

At several points he said he wanted the jamat to be happy and celebrate.
When the mukhi-kamadia returned after seeing him off, they said the Imam had asked them to convey to the jamat that happiness was part of Islam, and the smile a duty of faith ‹ or something to that effect.

I really wish I had a better memory. I pray we get the actual firman to
study; better still a video to hear and see his gestures several times. He
was extremely forthright and humorous. For example, when he said we should expect that there will be bumps in the economy, he added that even cars are made so that they can handle bumps!!

All in all, a blessed occasion. The Qur¹anic verse Allahu nuru samawati w¹al ard (God is the light of the heavens and earth) came to mind. I kept you vividly in my heart, and pray that you received the blessings of that

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Post by kmaherali » ... xxYXn-2fvw

Queen hosts dinner for Aga Khan
13 hours ago

The Queen is hosting a dinner party in honour of billionaire racehorse owner the Aga Khan.

Senior members of the Royal Family will attend the Buckingham Palace dinner on Monday for the long-term friend of the Queen.

The Queen, 82, and the Aga Khan, 71, are both ardent fans of horse racing and in the past they have watched the sport together at Royal Ascot.

The Aga Khan was the owner of Shergar, the Derby-winning racehorse who was kidnapped from his Irish stud farm in 1983 and never seen again.

He is also the Imam of the world's 15 million Shia Ismaili Muslims and a direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad.

Last year he celebrated the 50th anniversary of his succession to the title held by his grandfather.

The Aga Khan is coming to the end of a seven-day visit to the UK held to mark the milestone.

In 2005 he became one of six people given the Andrew Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy for his efforts improving living conditions in the developed world.

His Aga Khan Development Network is a group of agencies working in health, education, culture and rural and economic development, in 30 countries in sub-Saharan Africa, south and central Asia, and the Middle East.
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Post by Admin »


We've had a wonderful didar here in London. Attendees came from 68 countries not counting some of the European ones which are considered to be under UK jurisdiction. We met a lot of people from Calgary and Canada The London jamat was very gracious and generous.
The Imam was extremely relaxed and in a very jovial mood. He arrived promptly at 4:00 PM and left the grounds at 6:00 after stopping with the non-Ismaili spouses. Someone said (unsubstantiated) that we was overheard saying upon his departure that that this Jubilee Celebrations are so much fun, perhaps we should extend them. He asked the jamat to be happy and said we should all have a smile and a laugh on our faces that evening.

He started by thanking her Majesty, her family and the government for the kindness shown him on his visit. He then started to welcome the international jamats and was very emphatic about us taking his prayers and du'a to our families and janats. He also said that he was placing his hand on each murids shoulder so to speak as he put and wished us Du'a ashish. He continued his farman with din and duniya, and keeping your faith in your heart regardless of the daily circumstances and using the tasbih at all times regardless. Talked about his two wishes for the Jubilee - eradication of poverty and the second one escapes me now - the care of the elderly.

Then he sat down and when all the regular ceremonies were completed he rose and pulled a Sultan Mohd Shah on us by talking very frankly but in an extermemy joking way so as not to offend. First he talked about the recession and said not to panic but be wise as not to take rash decisions. He went on to say how he admired us with regard to our business acumen but could not understand why we did not work in groups and unitedly. He could not understand why we were cheating each other and could not trust each other. He emphasized that we should be sharing our knowledge and greatly emphasized the time and knowledge contribution. Then he hit the leaders by saying you must be wondering why the Imam was talking economics but said he tried to pass on these messages but the leaders do not seem to pass on the messages and the jamat responded with massive clapping.

I have never heard him speak so openly and with such love. We had all of you the family, friends and the Calgary jamat.

More about all this on our return, in the meantime God Bless and bask in the blessings of the Imam.
Love hugs and kisses,

P.S. The awal suffro that night went for xxx GBP that over x million Canadian dollars - can you imagine.

When an aircraft passed overhead Hazar Imam said that He waited in case 63 aircraft were going to pass overhead to represent the 63 countries from which murids had arrived because Darbar was a day of celebration. In this way there were several times mowla made the jamat laugh
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Post by kmaherali »

As received

Dearest Family Members, Jamati Members and Friends,

Ya Ali Madat and Greetings from London, UK


Twenty-five years ago, My Beloved Late Papa had the opportunity to attend Khudavind's Silver Jubilee Darbar held at the Olympia Hall in London, United Kingdom in 1982 and some 25 years later, with all your prayers, My son Altamish and I attended the Golden Jubilee Celebrations held at the Excel Centre in London, UK and were blessed with Deedar on Saturday July 5th, 2008.

It started raining on early Saturday morning and the rain clouds were being replaced with rays of sunshine as the clock ticked away nearing the time for the Darbar.......the sun came out and we headed to the Excel Center around 1:00 pm. The halls were open at 9:00 am and the volunteers had arrived at 4:00 am to prepare for this momentous day.

What an awesome experience this was........Mowlana Hazar Imam arrived at the Darbar Hall about 30 mins before the scheduled arrival time of 4:00 pm.......... Khudavind was recieved by the Mukhi Kamadia Sahebs and Leaders of the Jamat and a bunch of well-uniformed Young Volunteers. Khudavind's Car was escorted by a Police Motorcade to the Darbar Facility and great courtesies had been extended by the British Government to Mowla Bapa during his visit to London.

Mowla entered the Darbar Hall wearing his Golden Jubilee Jabo and walked for about 25 minutes along the runners......He walked by all the Seniors and blessed all of us with lots of Dua'ashis. Mowla climbed up the stairs of the stage and sat on His Throne which was the exact same chair -- the one used in the Darbars held in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Mozambique (I am told). Leaders of the LIF were also present at the Darbar and the Jamat comprised of Ismaili Brothers and Sisters from 63 different countries including many Jamati members from Canada and quite a few from Calgary. There were about 35000 murids present at this Darbar.

Khudavind was presented with the Gold Chain followed by a Recital of an ayat, its translation, the Ginan, Sahebji Tu More Man Bhave, a Qasida Ali Bhud, and the Homeage speech by the President of the United Kingdom Council.

Then Khudavind began His Firman by thanking Her Majesty the Queen, The Goverment & various Leaders and members of the UK Government.

Mowla gave Special Blessings on the Occasion of this Golden Jubilee Darbar and asked us to Convey Special Blessings to the Families and to all members of the Jamat from where we have come from.

Khudavind said that there were Murids from 63 countries and He joked that He would have to go back to school to learn his geography again.

Khudavind spoke of 4 goals that he had set for the Golden Jubilee....

a. Looking after the aged
b. Building educational and other Institutions and Capacities for the Jamats
c. Eliminating poverty and providing hope for the Jamat that live an 'Unacceptable Standard of Life'
d. I have forgotten the fourth goal... He talked about matters of the faith Din & Duniya and to carry a Tasbih and Call on the name of Ya ALLAH, YA ALI, the Prophet and the NAMES of the IMAMS and that you can practice your faith at any any time....

Mowla discussed the economy and stated that 'there will be a slowing down of the economy and 'people may call it a Slow-down or others may call it a recession... I don't care what people call it. I only care that my Jamat is better prepared to handle this soft economy. Do not take on any new commitments and think ahead to better place yourselves. Form associations with the people in the same professions or groups. I know my Jamat is very INDIVIDUALISTIC and I want you to come together and work together so that you can cut costs and share your knowledge with each other. When one member wishes to Exit this association, they may be able to do so without causing any damage to the others. Therefore when you ENTER this association, make your rules at that time so that there would be no harm caused when you wish to exit the association.' Mowla also said: 'you are brothers and sisters ...brothers and sisters do not CHEAT each other...... I am concerned for my Spiritual Children because I LOVE YOU ALL.......' These are the precise words or almost the exact words that Mowlana Hazar used.

Khudavind was very very Happy and he said ' I love you all'.........Shukar Mowla Shukar

Khudavind said something about Oil ...that Oil is not the one resource available and that there will be other types of resources that will become available... I believe this quotation probably refers to the fact that people are scared of the current rising prices of oil.....

Mowla joked and said that we have'bumpy roads and the vehicles are designed to handle the bumpy roads and therefore life can be a bumpy times..

Khudavind made a Special comment where He said : I am talking about the economy because my leaders have asked me to do.......they obviously do not convey to you what you want to know !! '

Overall, Khudavind was very very Happy and the Jamat had presented a Gift that dated back to the Fatimid Period........Mowla said that ' the Fatimid Period was a very Historic Period and there is a lot of knowledge CONCENTRATED in our history from this time.... that we should refer back to this knowledge as we seek to improve the practice of our Faith.

Mowla gave blessings for Time and Knowledge Nazrana.

Before departing, Mowla Bapa said that there was Dandia- Raas ....He said that Today is a Day of Happiness and I wish each one of you to be Happy have a Smile on your Face as 'a SMILE IS A BLESSING' I want you all to REJOICE this Happy Occassion and that I will be with You when you enjoy this evening. I wish you to have a Wonderful evening .



Once again, Khudavind walked to other parts of the Darbar Hall and each and every Murids Heart was filled with Happiness and Joy and Blessings of Mowla's Deedar.... Khudavind took his time as he walked throughout the Darbar Hall........ Before leaving the Darbar Hall, Mowla Blessed many sick and ill murids that were in beds and before exiting He even held a little baby/child and give the Child and their Mother his Blessings for Muskhil ashan.

Shukar Al-Hamdulilah SHUKAR KHUDAVIND.........SHUKAR MOWLA.........

Khudavind spent almost 2 & 1/2 hours in the Darbar Hall andFacility......On his departure from the Excel centre, Mowla spent alot of time talking to Non-Ismaili Spouses & children and spoke to alotof Volunteers and held hands with many in the crowd.......He was especially Happy and at one point, the President tried to get Mowla tomove on and Khudavind stayed back to continue visiting with these Members of the crowd....then Mowla finally departed and the Jamat rejoiced and recited Shukar Tasbih.

After the tasbih, the Jamats hugged each other, their families, friends.....many went over to the social hall to get water or grab their cell phones or whatever and then we had evening Jamatkhana there and then food ...Biryani, Monthar, Water and Ice-cream was being served...........and Dandia-Raas began with awesome awesome awesome MUSIC...performance by the band KHAYAL ........the lighting, and laser shows was magnificent and the Jamat danced with Joy and Happiness.........What a Performance and the UK Darbar will be one that will ALWAYS BE CHERISHED for many many years to come !!!

The VOLUNTEERS of the UK JAMAT and International Volunteers did an Outstanding JOB, as the British would say : A BRILLIANT Job with each and every aspect of arrangements for this DARBAR held in London and for all activities, food, entertainment, the photo booth, the Volunteer Registration, the Cloakroom setup, the Security, the Padhramni Admission Cards, the Abe Safaa packages, the Juro, Water Bottles, the Taariff Program, and many things that I have not mentioned......I can say that given the location of this magnificent hall, the Volunteers both badged and non-badged did a magnificent job.

Having experienced Both the Darbars in San Antonio and London, I hope the Canadian Jamat can excel in its performance to prepare for a Long-Awaited Deedhar in Our country..... Inshallah ALL of US can look forward with UNITY and LOVE to Enjoy the Canadian Darbars !!

All Members of the Calgary, the Canadian Jamat and the Global Jamat and ALL Ruhani Members were in Our Thoughts and in Our Prayers During this Darbar in London and once again, We convey our Heartiest Feliciatations and Mubaraki on the Auspicious Occasion of the London Darbar held on Saturday July 5ht, 2008

Shukar Mowla for Everything You Have Blessed Us with and Please pray that ALL TRAVELLERS have a safe journey home to their beloved ones and to their Jamats.

We would also like to take this opportunity to Convey Lots of MUBARAKIS AND WISH EVERYONE MEMBER OF OUR JAMAT GLOBALLY IMAMAT DAY MUBARAK !!

With Warmest Regards
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Post by Admin »

ImageThe Queen and the Aga Khan share a smile at a dinner at Buckingham Palace

Message forwarded as received

Hi - hope you are all well and in good health. Thought of you during deedar.

We just had deedar yesterday and Mowla was so happy and relaxed. He has sent his blessing to you all. His firman yesterday was incredible - so blunt. He said that we were an individualistic community and that we were not trusting.

He told us to work together and that we were brothers and sisters. He said "brothers and sisters don't cheat each other". He told us that we should not become a faith of convenience where we attend only for births and funerals - we should carry a tasbhi and make faith a daily part of our lives.

He talked about the economy - entering a slow down. He said that the jamat must be wondering why the Imam is talking about the economy. He told us it was because the leadership asked him to and that he doesn't think the leadership tells us everything that He tells them. He ended his firman saying that there are many bumps in life but even the human race has made vehicles that can go over these bumps. He made us laugh so much and seemed to enjoy our clapping. He told us that this year is a time to rejoice. I guess you'll hear the firmans soon. When he left he sent a message with the mukhi saying that we should be happy and that we should smile - that even a child's smile is a blessing and that Islam says to be happy and smile - it is a blessing.

The whole experience was amazing - the organization was perfect. Not one flaw
- even the catering was perfect - no line ups at all. They h
ad these cardboard trays to hold the plates and all they served was the rice and biriyani and athano with one small piece of monthar. The portion was just right. Hardly any wastage. They even recycled everything. Oh, even the cutlery was so stylish - it was plastic but looked like stainless steel. The hall itself was perfect - on one side was the deedar hall and the other side was the social hall. In the middle was the boulevard - hallway - and they had kiosks where you could buy food and coffee and sit. Like I said - not one flaw. Even the washrooms were so clean and well maintained. Didn't even experience any lineups. And the sound system they had for the dandia was out of this world.

We sat really far from the stage during deedar but the big screen was crystal clear and Mowla walk throughout the entire hall. I think He spent a total of an hour and a half with us - he was not rushed at all. Infact when He left the hall they showed us Him leaving the building and talking to the non-Ismailies.
They had a red carpet for Him to walk on where all the volunteers were lined up - but when he saw the non-ismailies on the opposite side he left the red carpet and went over to talk at lenght with them. President sayeb kept nudging Him along and guided Him back on to the red carpet. He talked to a few of the volunteers standing there and then again went back to the non-ismailies. It was amazing!!! Wonder what he was saying to them!

The jamat maintained the utmost discipline through out - which really made the difference.

That's it for now.

Take care.
Last edited by Admin on Tue Jul 08, 2008 4:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Location: Sweden

Use decent language and don't mock Sultan Muhammad Shah

Post by Justaguest »

Ya Ali Madad!

Mubarakis to All Momin Borthers and Sisters on this fantastic Deedar we
were blessed with on 5th July 2008.

Saw a few articles on Durbar in London and the details in this forum.

I would first like to inform some Momin brothers and sisters from Canada
that The United Kingdom is in Europe and is a European Country and
we are a part of that European Jamat.
Some European Countries come under the UK Council jurisdiction for the
simple reason of Language difficulties when under France, since most
jamats were English Speaking. That is to the best of my recollection.
The change was made in 1987 as far as I remember.

Also, as much as I am personally fascinated by all the accounts given by
you all and admire your memories I think it would be proper to use
decent language and not Mock any of our Imams as someone here
has done with Hazrat Sultan Muhammad Shah.
One does not make a mention of a gatt Imam that lightly. This is my
very personal opinion, and I stand for it.

Also please do not expect that those who are not supposed to have access
to the Firmans will not be able to do so, since it is quite easy for anyone to
access this site.
I would be very careful as to what I write and distribute.

Finally, It was wonderful to have you all from all the different countries
including Calgary in Canada and I would welcome you again as one
of the members of the U.K. jurisdiction who lives in Europe, and gladly
sit longer away from the mandap to give you a better place to have
Deedar. Let us hope Mowla will grant us ALL HIS NOORANI DEEDAR
again soon.
I hope that I will be equally welcome to Calgary and Canada if I
come there, but believe me we from Europe did not come to the U.K.
as intruders, but as part of it in Welcoming those of you from all
non-European countries.

It was a great pleasure to have you with us and May Mowla Bestow
upon You All His Choicest Blessings.

Much Love. :D

Humbly yours,
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Location: Sweden

Post by Justaguest »

Just to say:

According to what I heard, the Mukhi/Kamadias could not deliver
the message that Mowla gave them to relay to us on his departure
because the Jamat had already started vacating the hall immediately
after Mowla left the Hall, and while Mowla was still in the Building.

Alas, the lack of discipline was appalling towards the end. And
most who left did not even take with them the rubbish created
by the paper bags containing sweets and water we got on entry.
They were all left scattered all over the carpets with chocolate
smears and pieces scattred all over.

The rumble of loud talking and loitering in the hall stayed constant
while Mowla was still in the building despite the continuous request
for us to keep seated until Mowla left.

Some of us, who kept seated, were surrounded by theose standing and
chatting, totally indifferent to the fact that they were, now and again,
stepping on us.

I must say that it was not at all MUKHI/KAMADIASAHEB's fault
that the message was not delivered immediately, because the
mood was chaotic in the Hall. No discipline at all was visible.

An announcement was therefore made that due to the above
mentioned facts the message would be delivered to the Jamat
after or in-between the Dua.
The message to my understanding WAS delivered to the Jamat.

The Dua and the dinner were also delayed because, it seems,
the whole idea was to say the prayers in the Hall (if the Jamat
had remained seated) and that would have held the schedule
and we would have had more time to enjoy the dandias etc.

I am sure that if the members of the Jamat had to pay for the
package of water bottle and chocolates etc., then they would
have taken them with them on leaving the Hall.
But, a freebee can be disposed off anywhere for overstretched
volunteers to pick up. Eh! What a shame. Eh?

Call me a grumpy old git who complains, but really many
adults in our Jamats must shape up as far as discipline
on behaviour and hygiene is concerned.
Sorry to mention this, as unpleasant as it may sound.

Please think about the overstretched Volunteers, and give
them a hand instead of making their burden heavier.
It is their extremely hard work that gave us all that comfort
that we enjoyed in the HALL. Remember that.
They are worth "gold".
May Mowla Bless Them and their Families and Friends
at all times. Amen.

May Mowla Bless Us All and make us better persons
and I also apologise if I have, by this, hurt anyone's
feelings, but come on folks, we must shape up. Eh!
Musn't we?

Thank you.

Much Love to you All. :D

Humbly yours.

Please note: Nothing I have written is official. It is all as I myself saw it
and perceive it now. Everything is strictly my own opinion and I do not
represent any of our Institutions or Jamats./Thank you.
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Post by Admin »


The splendid occasion marked the Aga Khan's succession to his grandfather's title as the leader of 15 million Ismaili muslims in 1957

Also present at the dinner hosted by the Queen was Princess Yasmina, the Aga Khan's half-sister, who is his late father Aly Khan's daughter by Rita
Hayworth Image
Photo: (c) PA mbdartz
Queen lays on golden jubilee banquet for the Aga Khan and family 8 JULY 2008

Both are ardent fans of horse racing and share an understanding of what it's like to hold an important ceremonial role. So the Queen was particularly glad to be hosting a glittering banquet for the Aga Khan's Golden Jubilee, which he celebrated last year.

Her guest at Monday's dinner in Buckingham Palace is a direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad and the leader of the world's 15 million Shia Ismaili Muslims. They've met up on several occasions since the Aga Khan succeeded his grandfather to the title in 1957.

To honour the milestone anniversary, the Queen wore an elegant gown adorned with golden sequins, as well as jewellery in gold and silver.

The golden theme was also picked up by the Aga Khan's sister Yasmina, thedaughter of his father Prince Aly and Hollywood actress Rita Hayworth. Shewas resplendent in a shimmering metallic floor-length creation, accessorised with a matching clutch.

Completing the family group at the gala was the Muslim leader's son Prince Hussain, with his American-born wife Kristin, who took the name Princess Khaliya on their marriage two years ago. ... -aga-khan/

[image: The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh with The Aga Khan]

*The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh with The Aga Khan at Buckingham Palace
prior to a Dinner Party given by Her Majesty and His Royal Highness to mark
His Highness's Golden Jubilee, 7 July 2008.*
*(c) Press Association*
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Post by kmaherali »

Updates from

Monday, 7 July

Mawlana Hazar Imam together with Her Majesty the Queen during a dinner hosted by Her Majesty in honour of Hazar Imam at Buckingham Palace. Photo: Gary Otte

In the morning Mawlana Hazar Imam met with the Rt Hon Douglas Alexander, Secretary of State for International Development at the Department for International Development. In the afternoon the Rt Hon David Cameron, Leader of the Opposition met with Mawlana Hazar Imam at the Ismaili Centre.

In the evening Her Majesty the Queen hosted a black-tie dinner in honour of Mawlana Hazar Imam at Buckingham Palace. The Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall, and the Duke of York from the Royal Family, and Prince Amyn, Princess Yasmin, Princess Zahra, Prince Rahim, Prince Hussain and Princess Khaliya from the Imam’s family were also present at the dinner.

Additional photographs are available in the photo gallery. Updates on Mawlana Hazar Imam’s Golden Jubilee visit to the United Kingdom will continue to be posted at

Sunday, 6 July

Mawlana Hazar Imam is accompanied by President Zauhar Meghji of the Ismaili Council for the United Kingdom, as he leaves the Jamati institutional dinner held at the Banqueting House in Whitehall. Photo: Zahur Ramji

Today, Mawlana Hazar Imam met with the Ismaili Leaders’ International Forum at the Ismaili Centre in London.

In the evening, Mawlana Hazar Imam was the guest of honour at a dinner hosted by the Jamati Institutions of the United Kingdom, held at the Banqueting House in Whitehall. During the dinner, guests were treated to a musical performance by the Ismaili Ensemble. The piece, which was presented to Mawlana Hazar Imam as a gift, was approrpriately titled Armaghan — a Persian word meaning ‘gift.’

Saturday, 5 July

Mawlana Hazar Imam in conversation with volunteers as he departs the ExCeL centre following the Darbar. Photo: Zahur Ramji

This afternoon, the Jamat of United Kingdom and the countries under its jurisdiction, together with members of the international Jamat, gathered at the ExCeL centre in London for a highly anticipated Golden Jubilee Darbar.
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Post by aziz1631 »

YAM,<BR><BR>As u said I sent you an email requesting you to provide information about Darbar in Canada but I didn't receive your reply.<BR><BR>Please reply at your earliest. I would appreciate that.<BR><BR>Thanks and Regards<BR><BR>Abdul Aziz<BR><BR>
Important_Information wrote:MHI is visiting Portugal from 10th July to 14th July is confirmed.<BR><BR>Dear all YAM,<BR>(Reader with negative thoughts) You can start your criticism if you like as you did with me about UK Padramni <BR>Or<BR>Appreciate my work by thinking positively.<BR><BR>Remember that for India and Bangladesh GJ Padramni, I post 9 days prior to Jamati announcement. And for UK GJ Padramni I post 17 days prior to Jamati announcement and both dates were correct.<BR>I o&shy;nly post when I receive positive confirmation.<BR><BR>I am not in any Jamati Committee and neither under any oath, my intention is to give correct information to international jamat about Padramni dates; well before the announcement so Jamat can prepare them self much earlier.<BR><BR>If any o&shy;ne like to know unconfirmed dates about forthcoming GJ Padramni at different parts of world; you can ask me at:<BR><BR>Kind regards<BR>Kasim Ali
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Our esteemed leadership

Post by xaf »

Our esteemed Leadership: It is time to sit up and change your ways

Our Leadership Body is a truly admirable one. All leaders are so cultured, well-educated forward-thinkers, hardworking and excellent at organisation and communication. Truly they deserve to be leaders. I am saying this all sincerely and from the bottom of my heart. It is therefore a great pity that such a wonderful set of people are failing to recognise the fact that Mowla LOVES His jamat (and when I say love I mean an overpowering, unending and completely dedicated love) and therefore as His leaders they too should learn to develop LOVE for the jamat. If they do so sincerely, the jamat will learn to love and respect them too, in which case Mowla´s happiness will know no bounds and there will be no need for our Beloved Mowla to make such indirect but highly potent statements as He did for the leaders in His UK darbar. Let Mowla and His jamat freely see each other especially on this ocassion of His Golden Jubilee. Do not keep the jamat in the dark about Mowla´s programmes. Let the jamat gather where Mowla is supposed to make an appearance. And in this way, the Golden Jubilee will become more festive and memorable. How happy Mowla, in His tuxedo and bow-tie, was to see jamati members outside Buckingham Palace on 7th July at around 7 30pm. The driver slowed down and Mowla smiled and waved with both His hands at us. It was a pity that only a handful of jamat was there. The police constables were so cooperative and friendly. One of them even asked why such few people had come. They were expecting quite a crowd. Even the Noorani family (Prince Amin, Princess Yasmin, Prince Huseein and Princess Khaliya) smiled and waved happily at us. That is why I ask the leaders why remain so tight-lipped about Mowla´s programmes? Why let the jamat miss out on such wonderful opportunities? The jamat is happy to stand outside and catch a glimpse. The leaders are welcome to go inside and attend the ceremony. They deserve to do so. So why act so mean with the jamat? Afterall did it make the leaders happy to attend the banquet at Whitehall so furtively? It was an institution´s dinner. Whom do the institution´s serve? Should the jamat not have known about the gift to be given to Mowla on their behalf by the institutions?? Why was the gift not displayed first for the jamat to see? What would have been wrong if jamat had been allowed to line up outside the banquet hall in Whitehall to welcome Mowla as He went in to dine with the institutional leaders?
This is why Mowla was then compelled to make a dig at the leaders in His farman. Also Mowla´s arrival in the UK was very lowkey. The UK is renowned for its wonderful parades and pagaentry. Even HRH The Queen wore a special Gold sequinned gown at the banquet in Mowla´s honour. This shows that the UK Govt. would have had no problem in making Mowla´s arrival ceremonial and splendourous. So naturally everyone feels that it was our leaders who made His arrival so lackluster (no bands etc and NO JAMAT)
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Post by Admin »


Ya Ali Madad! To those of you whom I sent a previous email, I had sent half of what came to my mind but after that I recollected some more and I am happy to share it with you my version of what I understood.We had a wonderful Deedar! Mawla was in a very joyous mood. In his farman he gave the same guidance that He gave everywhere else. He said that before the end of the jubilee year his aim is to put in place three objectives. 1. To creat programs that will strenghen the institutions.2. Programs to try to help eliminate poverty of His murids and help build civil societies in the countries where His Murids live.and 3. Create programs that will help the aged live with dignity. He said to use prudent judgements as the forces were in work for a major slow down of the economy. He said that some might call it a slow down others might call it a recession. He said,'I don't care what they call it, What I care is to see that you are safe.' He went on to say that, 'You might be wondering why Hazer Imam is talking about the economy. I am telling all this because my leaders do not tell you what I tell them to tell you. [there was lot of clapping here.] He said,'Jubilee is the time of rejoycing so let us rejoice and be happy all togather.' [More clappings] He said that 63 countries were represented in the Darbar. He told us to convey His best blessings to our family and friends and our jamats when we went back to our respective countries. He said that those in the same profession in different countries should form partnerships in order to maximise the benefit. He said that western countries were mono economic.

When African countries will come togather politically, He also named a few contries, there will be a market of 250 million opening up and we should b ready to take advantage of it. He advised the jamat to form the strategy of getting out of partnerships in a way that would not harm others. He went on to say," I know my murids, they are individualists. 'I dont want to work with anybody, I don't trust anyone.' We are all brothers and sisters. Don't be dishonest to your brothers and sisters."

He said that now a days people practice their faith only at birth weddings and funerals. I want my murids to practice their faith rigourously. If it is not possible, then take a tasbi ad call Ya Ali, call Ya Muhammad, call the names of the Imam. Keep your faith with you at all times.

He also said that the present slowdown will end when the world will eventually find ways no longer to rely on oil. Until that happens, there will be bumps along the way. He even made gesture of his both hands jokingly at which the jamat responded by clapping. I can not give the whole farman but just a little bit that I can recall. Mubaraki to you all! Deedar Mubarak!
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Re: testimony

Post by No_problem »


The above account is misleading. It doesn't convey the messages of MHI in any accurate way!

First, MHI didn't talk about 3 goals but 4 goals and the first was peace.

Second MHI didn't use words like, "prudent", "dishonest", "dont want to work with anybody", etc!!!!!!!!

Third, the comment on leaders was not said in this way!

Fourth: MHI didn't say that "the present slowdown will end when the world will eventually find ways no longer to rely on oil"!!!! His comment on oil was not like this.

Inshallah the Farman will soon be available to the Jamat ands then we will all listen to what MHI exactly. said.

Khushiali Mubarak to everyone.
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Location: Sweden

Post by Justaguest »

[quote="xaf"]Our esteemed Leadership: It is time to sit up and change your ways

Our Leadership Body is a truly admirable one. All leaders are so cultured, well-educated forward-thinkers, hardworking and excellent at organisation and communication.............................",Unquote.


Dear xaf,

What you are saying is nothing new. Such things have been
going on for 100s of years.

Some leaders have withheld crucially important informations in
past that has affected the whole jamaats negatively without even
feeling anything about it. One of them said, "He could'nt care less".

Some have even stopped good things happening to the members of the jamaat by deeds and efforts of another member, just because they are jealous and worried that maybe the other guy would be rewarded
for it.
Some are so jealous & greedy that they can not bear to see any other person than themselves breathing the air happily..
Alas they themselves are not happy at all and therefore it does not
matter if they ruin some other people's lives, or throw a spanner
in their works.

Although (for example) the few genuine volunteers really worked miracles
there were some who were only content with pushing around their weight
and even insulting people left and right even on the day of deedar.
They succeeded in putting OFF the moods of those who were really going about their goal to enjoy the padramni mela. Such is life. There is not much one can do about it. Jealousy, greed, contempt etc., are horrible things.

However, if one looks at it as "all-in-a-package", then things are
plodding along quite Ok.
But, yes those leaders who constantly play games, connive
and play one murid against the other to stay in power etc.
They have no scruples, alas.

They really think that "The Day of Qiyamat" does not
apply to them. And then when the "malaikul mot - the black death"
faces them, they shiver like a leaf because they are afraid to leave
the false security they had on this Earth. Alas, the World is full of
such people. We have to live in it and with it.

I have come across leaders who have given an impression that
they want me to do sijjida to them rather than to Allah.
Believe me or not. They have behaved as if they are my "rizak
providers". Well, what can you do with them? Not much.
One just wonders how they get their positions.
That's all I can say.

On the other hand there are leaders and many others who serve
with great devotion and make great sacrifices and they are the
ones who made us have the wonderful Deedar on 5th July.
Shukr Mowla.

I can go on and tell you volumes about it. But, brother/sister just
bear with it and pray that Mowla gives them prudence to understand
how important it is to serve with good intentions.

Let us hope that Unity and brother/sisterhood will be strengthened
and shall prevail at all times in our community and that we will
not only be able to bring about prosperity, peace and happiness
to our brethren, but even those from other communities living
around us, as good citizens.

I am very grateful that this Forum is open for us to post our

Also, just to mentioned that many have posted their accounts
of the deedar. There may be some glitches in them and they may
not be very accurate. And therfore I think that we should fill in
the gaps ourselves and remove misprints or mistakes and then
enjoy the accounts with different perceptions posted thorugh
several different eyes & hearts.

My Many, Many Mubarakis to you all on this Imamat Day
Khushaly on Mowla having been on the Gaadi of Imamat
for 51 years today.

I pray that May Mowla bestow upon us all His Choicest
Blessings. Amen.

Humbly yours,
Posts: 25270
Joined: Thu Mar 27, 2003 3:01 pm

Post by kmaherali »

As received Jadavji is a NON--ISMAILI

My Experience – Meeting His Highness Aga Khan

The early hours of the morning of Saturday 5th July 2008, I was
interrupted by a dream. The night before we had attended a family
wedding this was very enjoyable, naturally I was dreaming about this
when during this dream I had a very small moment/vision or dream
about being in a corridor where people were walking by in both
directions, they all seemed to know where they were going, I was
standing and then I sat down I felt lost and confused and had the
feeling that I should not be here. There was a murmur that the Aga
Khan is coming and a surge of people where coming towards me. At this
point of my dream it finished I did not see the Aga Khan, I woke up
to discover that it was 6am, another hour before we were due to get
up for our big day in Excel London for the didar.

On the way to Excel London, this was very exciting and I could hardly
contain myself the excitement and anticipation of perhaps a chance
meeting or even to see the Aga Khan was overwhelming.

Once inside Excel we joined our other family members who were already
seated in their place in the didar hall. As a non-ismaili I was
unable to join them however my husband and I decided to look around
and take the children to the play area, we also enjoyed some tea and

At around 1pm my husband and I decided to visit the hall that I would
be in during the Aga Khan's visit, this hall was the Platinum suite
on the second floor. As we made our way to this hall, I realised that
it would be impossible for the Aga Khan to visit the non-ismaili as
we would be on the 2nd floor and it would be difficult to get to. I
had spoken to many of my family members both in the UK as well as
abroad about the Aga Khan's visit's to other countries and they all
assured me that the Aga Khan always make a short visit to the non-
ismaili's. When we left the platinum suite to go back to the main
boulevard my heart was broken I was very upset I had waited a year
just to get a glimpse of the Aga Khan and all hope was shattered as I
was sure that this time the Aga Khan would not be able to make the

As we approached the lift's to leave I had tears that were
uncontrollable and emotion I was unable to bear I was extremely
upset, my husband tried to console me by telling me that "don't worry
if you really feel from the heart you will get to see him".

I left my husband and the children outside N4 entrance of the main
boulevard where we would meet again after the didar. I steadily made
my way back to the platinum suite only to find that from my earlier
visit there now seemed to be quite a lot of people around 400, there
were provisions of tea, coffee and pastries. I took the liberty of
acquiring a coffee and some pastries and decided to find a seat
somewhere on the front row, just in case we did receive a visit.

Whilst seated there I introduced myself to a lady called Fermuda from
Nottingham who became a very good friend for the next 3-4 hours, we
talked about our families and how we both felt about meeting the Aga
Khan. Between 2-3pm we were shown a children's DVD, at 3pm we were
shown a DVD about the Aga Khan state visit to America Texas this was
very enjoyable. Just before showing the DVD, an announcement was made
about and a show of hands was asked to ascertain how many people if
had the chance would like to see the Aga Khan leave, the show of
hands was very popular as everybody put up their hands.

Both Fermuda and I were very excited we both felt the same and we had
talked and talked about how we would feel if we saw the Aga Khan and
even more had the opportunity to talk to him. I had decided to
rehearse a small speech if the Aga Khan was to approach me. The
excitement and anticipation was electrifying. We had been told that
we would see the Aga Khan leave through the west side of Excel London
centre, he would pass the non-ismaili's and we were also told on
numerous occasion's that the Aga Khan may stop and talk he may just
acknowledge us or he may just wave and leave, we did not know what to
expect. We were also told that if the Aga Khan was to stop and talk
we do not interrupt and only talk if spoken to first and only shake
hands if the Aga Khan was to extend his hand first.

Whilst waiting on the balcony of the platinum suite at 3.45pm I could
see my husband approaching with my 2 and half year old daughter
(Selina) she was upset and crying. I came towards him and he handed
her over to me saying "I have to go the Aga Khan is here and I don't
want to miss this, you have to keep her she keeps crying".

Unbeknown to me my husband and the children along with my father-in-
law where seated in the didar hall, on six large screens they could
see the Aga Khan was approaching the Excel centre as this was being
televised. My mother-in-law and my sister-in-law were seated on
chairs 20-30 yards away in the middle row. My daughter had been
asleep from 1.30pm when the Aga Khan was approaching she started to
wake up, once the Aga Khan was inside the building and inside the
hall she was fully awake. The Aga Khan walked around past my husband
and the children. After this she started to wine and cry that she
wanted her grandmother who happened to be somewhere else and
difficult to get to, my daughter was disrupting other's around her so
my husband made a decision to bring her out of the hall and take her
to the platinum suite and bring her to me.

I tried to console my crying daughter concerned that I would now not
get the chance to see the Aga Khan if I failed to calm her down.
After a sweetie and some water, she seemed to calm down and was quite
playfully. Both Fermuda and I were quite relieved that she was calm.
At around 4.30pm we were all asked to go into the platinum suite hall
and wait for further instructions, everyone had a sense of buzz
around them and all were anxious. Earlier 20 or so non-ismaili `s
were asked to volunteer with the ushering, both Fermuda and myself
were curious when they put into place to start to allow people to
descend the 2 floors.

Fermuda and myself happen to be at the front of the door, an
announcement was made that all women with young children and people
who had buggies and pushchairs were to come to the front. Both
Fermuda and I looked at each other in amazement it seemed that Selina
my daughter was sent to me for a reason and in a bit of a miracle. We
were at the front. We were all lead calmly down the first flight of
stairs to level one, were again we were at the front and had to wait
a further 30 mins or so. Around 5pm we were allowed to descend to the
ground floor, where again both Fermuda and I found ourselves right at
the front.

Whilst waiting for further instructions we talked to other non-
ismaili's who also felt as we did and were just as excited and
intrigued and so looking forward to the moment when we might see the
Aga Khan. Both Fermuda and I were beside ourselves with the fact that
Selina was with us and her being here had helped us to get that bit
closer to seeing the Aga Khan, I relayed my dream to Fermuda who said
that this sort of thing happens for a reason it must be kismet.
Selina was tense and had wanted to see her dad and grandmother but
generally she was playfully not quite the child I had been given a
few hours ago from which I was struggling to calm down.

At around 5.50pm we were lead to an area where the Aga Khan would
pass on the red carpet. Both Fermuda and I happen to be at the front
as we had envisaged and we were both counting our blessings. To my
right there were 3 people in a wheelchair and I remember a lady
talking about her grandchild who would have been very excited to see
the Aga Khan she was also excited and not sure how or what she would
say if addressed by the Aga Khan, I decided to take this opportunity
to rehearse a few lines of greeting if I was approached and how I
would act. I also talked to my daughter and ensured she was also
happy to say hello "ya-ali-madad", both Selina and I rehearsed our
lines several time. Fermuda was on my left along with another lady, I
think they thought I had lost it.

At 6.30pm it seemed that the Aga Khan would soon be coming out and
everyone again was told that he may come and talk, he may just
acknowledge or he may just wave, we were also told how to address the
Aga Khan if spoken to. The air of excitement was rapid and
overwhelming as everyone prepared for there individual feelings of
this experience.

Just then Fermuda said that she thinks the Aga Khan will come and
talk to me, she felt that my story so far was quite amazing and she
said that there's something about you, I have a feeling he will come
over. I had goose bumps when she said that but she felt quite sure
about this.

I was watching my right hand side as I knew that was the way the Aga
Khan would make his descend onto the red carpet. All of a sudden
there was some excitement to my right and the cameras were flashing,
and I said "Oh my god the Aga Khan is here". I caught a quick glimpse
of the Aga Khan and I felt goose bumps rise and my heart was pounding
as the Aga Khan walked onto the red carpet I could see that he was
being lead probably out of the building, but for some reason the Aga
Khan made a turn to his left and stood right in front of me.

My heart was going to jump out of my chest, I watched the Aga Khan
throughout and did not avert my eyes. When the Aga Khan stood in
front of me I became unaware of anyone else around me it felt as if
it was happening in slow motion and everybody else was blurred out.
I did not even look at my daughter. The Aga Khan addressed a small
group of people and from what I can remember he said, if there is
anyway in which we can help you, or if you have any suggestions and
anything that you would like to contribute please come forward. I am
unable to recall all of what the Aga Khan said as I was mesmerised
listening to his gentle voice.

The Aga Khan had his fingers interlocked and when talking he opened
his hands out slightly and in doing so brushed past my arm near my
elbow. I immediately felt blessed and a feeling ran through my body
of which I cannot find the words to describe, there probably is none,
as the feeling was so great.

When the Aga Khan had finished and started to walk away, we all
started to clap in excitement and joy that the Aga Khan had met with
us and had talked to us. I was shaking all over and tears ran down my
face I could not believe that I had got the chance to see the Aga
Khan and also to be blessed. I looked at my friend Fermuda who also
felt the same, we watched the Aga Khan leave and said our goodbye's
to each other and ran with joy and great pleasure of having been in
the presence of the His Highness the Aga Khan.

I ran to the rest of my family and told them of my experience, of
which they told others and so the news spread's.

I felt so overwhelmed with my experience that I wanted to share this
with others, it has been the best experience of my life I thoroughly
enjoyed the day and felt it a great honour to have had the chance not
only to see the Aga Khan but to hear his kind words.

A few days later, I felt compelled to put my experience into writing,
and so I have I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I have enjoyed
writing it.

The written word once read travels far like the word of mouth.

Written and complied by Rani Jadavji

My Experience – Meeting His Highness Aga Khan
Posts: 6710
Joined: Mon Jan 06, 2003 10:37 am

Post by Admin »


*Golden Jubilee Darbar, London Saturday 5th July 2008*

*Didar Mubarak to all our brothers and sisters worldwide.*

* *

*Below is a gist of the Farman made by Mowlana Hazar Imam at the London Golden Jubilee Darbar. *

*Please bear in mind that this is my understanding of it, and the Farman was very complex and long, and difficult to remember accurately.We hope and pray this summary does reflect the spirit of the Farman. *

* *

*This was indeed a very different Farman from the ones we have heard during the recent GJ Darbars. MHI was very informal and in an emotional and jovial mood. He however conveyed very important messages.*

MHI started by giving all of us present His best loving blessings. He said to all those who have come from outside, I want you to tell your families and your jamats that they are in my heart, in my thoughts and in my prayers.

He said that Darbar is a celebration and a time to rejoice.

He referred to the President of UK National Council's speech mentioning that murids had come from 63 countries. MHI said that He was not sure about the 63 countries, and said "I should go back to school to learn my geography". *MHI was laughing.*

He thanked warmly the British government for the welcome and assistance. He also thanked the volunteers and leaders for making all the arrangements for the Darbar.

He spoke about the GJ objectives - institutional capacity, the ultra-poor and the needs of the elderly stating that people are living longer and we must make an extra effort to help them live a happy life. He mentioned the contribution of *Knowledge & Time* (*not TNK!)* and of material nazrana to enable those objectives to be met. He was hoping that the work would be done by the end of the Jubilee year.

He then turned to the economic situation. He said that "some people call it an economic slow-down and others call it a recession, whatever they want to call it, ….. be careful and cautious". He said "You may be asking yourselves why your Imam is speaking to you about economics, and the reason is because my leaders have asked me *(pointing to Himself*) to speak to you about this.

Although, *I am not sure that they are telling you what I am telling them*." (*Jamat applauded for 30 seconds*)

He said to form associations with other professionals. I want you to come together and work together so that you can cut costs and share your knowledge together. Fulfil your duties in that partnership and make sure that you have an exit strategy without causing any damage. He said that our society is individualistic and that the Jamat is also individualistic. 'I am concerned for my Ismaili spiritual children because I love you all. You are all brothers and sisters, and brothers and sisters *do not cheat each other'

He spoke about the East African Community, naming the 5 countries, and said there will be opportunities in the market of 25 million citizens.

He spoke about the oil crisis and said that the fact that supplies would diminish has been known for decades.

There would be new forms of intelligent, innovative and imaginative energy sources.

He spoke about the practice of the faith. He said that there are some people who are only seen during birth and death but not at other times. With a hand gesture, He said "never let that happen". Tapping His jubba pocket, He said, keep a tasbih with you and call on the name of Ya Allah, the Prophets, the Imams. He said "*If you cannot* *practice your faith as rigorously as is required*, then spend that time during the day and anytime of the day no matter what you are doing towards your faith."

With reference to President's speech recalling this, and with great happiness He said, Of course today I place my hand on each individual, each individual, and your families and your jamats and give you all my special loving blessings, Khanavadan, Khanavadan, Khanavadan. (gesture of putting hand on the shoulder)

Look forward to the future, and yes there will be bumpy roads and bumpy times, but the human race has created vehicles even for bumpy roads *(wavelike hand gesture*), *(followed by applause from the Jamat*).

*Presidentsaheb followed by Vice-President presented a gift to MHI, and before VP had stepped down the from the stage, MHI rose and came back to the microphone. *

MHI said that the glass Flask was a wonderful gift from the Fatimid Period.
He reminded us that the Fatimid Period was a historic period and there is a lot of knowledge concentrated in our history from this time and that we should refer back to this knowledge as we seek to improve the practice of our faith.

*An airplane had gone roaring overhead from the nearby London City airport that serves the European cities. *

MHI said "I hope that all those from the 63 countries are not all planning to board from here" (*Jamat applauded*)

He said that today is a day of happiness and I wish each one of you to be happy, to have a smile on your face and that a smile is a blessing (*with a gesture of smile with one finger at the side of His face*).

I want you all to rejoice on this happy occasion and that I will be with you when you enjoy this evening. "I wish you to have a wonderful rest of the day." He gave us all his blessings again and said that I want you to take my blessings, my love, my affection to your family, to your Jamats wherever you come from. Khanadavan, Khanavadan, Khanavadan.

*Later, Mukhisaheb returned and conveyed the message from Mowla Hazar Imam.*

MHI wanted us to smile and be happy.

Mowla lifted the spirits of every murid in such a way that we all had tears in our eyes, and like a loving father He gave us Hidayat.

We offer our lakho lakho shukrana to our beloved Hazar Imam for the mercy and grace of His Zaheri and Batuni Didar, and for His Hidayat and prayers for all the murids all over the world.

We pray for a long and happy life for our Mowla, and that His chatra chayya hamesha asa mathi rahe. Ameen.

*We hope and pray that the Farman would be released to the Jamat at the earliest opportunity*.**

*Institutional Dinner, Whitehall, London Sunday 6th July 2008*

*At the Institutional dinner, MHI spoke for around 4 minutes. *

He started by saying He was to continue on the humorous mood from yesterday.He made reference to Wimbledon tennis having coincided with His visit (*laughter in the audience*), and made a joke about a Ferrari and mother-in-law.

At the line-up he spoke to the Major and told him to 'thank my volunteers for all the hard work they had done, they were wonderful and I am very proud of them'.

Posts: 25270
Joined: Thu Mar 27, 2003 3:01 pm

Post by kmaherali »

As received

Written by a murid........

The crowd fall silent,
intezaar Begins with faces pale.
An aeroplane flies overhead
And some small children wail.

His frame so gracefully just washes
Over each murid,
While all in unison recite
Salwaat, their souls to feed.

His collar glints with every step,
His buttons match the show;
The brightness of each flash betrays
Each of His children's glow.

And as he passes, every soul
Comes into focus fast,
And just as quick rescinds into
The blurry crowd so vast.

His third objective - senior souls -
Are our Imam's first guests;
And after thirty-eight salwaats
He turns to greet the rest.

End poverty, and achieve world peace,
of course, the other two;
Not humble goals, and in his style,
He tells us what to do.

Enthroned, a gold hue fills the screens
Not only from his eyes,
But from the throne too and the garb
of leaders by his side.

An economics lesson sets his
warnings firm in stone,
Yet just as deftly softened with a
Humour-tempered tone.

He jabs at leaders, then at us
Just as a father would,
trust each other, share the load,
just like we know we should.

To round off his instruction set
He tells us to be glad,
Reminding us to celebrate,
At this the crowd go mad!

A Fatimid rock crystal flask
Nazrana made him shine,
A plane above us made Him joke
About all nations' airlines

Then all at once, before we knew,
The stage was empty space.
He took the non-Ismailis' ear
Before he left the place.

Yet even while he sailed away
In a line of jet black yachts,
Our eyes were filled with tears of joy,
Our stomachs tied in knots.

And cos of City airport,
Many planes above us sped,
Yet throughout the glorious farman
Not one flew overhead.
Posts: 6710
Joined: Mon Jan 06, 2003 10:37 am

Post by Admin »

Padhramni Announcement
Today, Tuesday 8th July saw the end of Mawlana Hazar Imam’s Golden Jubilee Padhramni to the United Kingdom when Mawlana Hazar Imam bid farewell to the Jamat this morning from Battersea Heliport. The Heads of our National and International Jamati Institutions, together with representative Mukhi-Kamadias and Mukhiani-Kamadianis were present to bid Khudavind farewell on behalf of the Jamat. Before boarding the Imamat helicopter, Mawlana Hazar Imam bid Khuda Hafez to Mukhi-Kamadias and Mukhiani-Kamadianis and asked that his best wishes be conveyed to the Jamat for a very happy and memorable Golden Jubilee Padhramni to the United Kingdom.
On this historic occasion, the Jamati Institutions and namdar Mukhi-Kamadiasahebs and Mukhiani-Kamadianisahebas convey heartiest mubaraki to the Jamat.

We also offer mubaraki to all the volunteers, both uniformed and non-uniformed, who have worked tirelessly for the goals of the Golden Jubilee Padhramni.

We recognise, and greatly appreciate, the restraint shown by the Jamat in not congregating at venues where Mawlana Hazar Imam was present for official engagements.

The Jamat’s and the Volunteers’ generosity of spirit and goodwill have helped us to make Mawlana Hazar Imam happy during the Padhramni. Heartiest Mubaraki to each and every member of the Jamat for this achievement.

Mawlana Hazar Imam’s official engagements began on Thursday, 3rd July, when Mawlana Hazar Imam met with the Foreign Secretary, David Milliband at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office. After the meeting, Mawlana Hazar Imam attended a celebratory lunch at Lancaster House which was given in his honour by the Government. The lunch was hosted on behalf of the Government by Jack Straw, the Secretary of State for Justice, and was attended by senior Government dignitaries. In welcoming Mawlana Hazar Imam to the lunch, Jack Straw paid fulsome tribute to Mawlana Hazar Imam for his humanitarian work. That afternoon, Mawlana Hazar Imam met with the Prime Minsiter, Gordon Brown, at Downing Street.

On the evening of Thursday 3rd July, Mawlana Hazar Imam hosted the Imamat Dinner at which he thanked the British Government, and many other partners and donors who have supported the Aga Khan Development Network over the years. Mawlana Hazar Imam was accompanied by Prince Amyn, Prince Rahim, Prince Hussain and Princess Khaliya. The dinner was attended by the former Prime Minister, Baroness Margaret Thatcher; the Secretary of State for Innovation, Universities, and Skills John Denham; the Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union Javier Solana; Ambassadors from many countries and other senior dignitaries from arts, civic societies, Faith communities and industry. Addressing the gathering, Mawlana Hazar Imam referred to the progress made by the United Kingdom Jamat in the last 50 years and also talked about the Ismaili Centre and its work in building relations with the
wider society through sharing our cultural history and heritage. In response, the Secretary of State, John Denham, paid tribute to Mawlana Hazar Imam’s work for humanity and for the contribution our Imam has made in helping millions of people across the world.

On Friday 4th July, Mawlana Hazar Imam attended a Reception with the academic staff of the IIS and ISMC at the Ismaili Centre, and later held a meeting with the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson.
Following the joyful Golden Jubilee Darbar on 5th July 2008, Mawlana Hazar Imam resumed his official engagements on Sunday, 6th July when Mawlana Hazar Imam chaired a meeting of the Leaders International forum at the Ismaili Centre. In the evening Mawlana Hazar Imam graced a dinner in his honour by our Institutions. Mawlana Hazar Imam was accompanied by Prince Hussain and Princess Khaliya. During the dinner, the Ismaili Ensemble presented for the first time a special composition entitled Armaghan which is a Persian word meaning “The Gift”. The piece was specially commissioned by us to commemorate Mawlana Hazar Imam’s Golden Jubilee Padhramni to the United Kingdom. The musical score, together with a CD of this special composition, were presented to Mawlana Hazar Imam at the dinner. In his remarks Mawlana Hazar Imam said that this had been a very happy visit, and he commended the United Kingdom Jamat for its support for the global Jamat over the last 50 years. Mawlana Hazar Imam also asked that the musical piece Armaghan is played for the Jamat at appropriate occasions and we will be organising this in due course.

Yesterday, Monday 7th July, Mawlana Hazar Imam met with the Secretary of State for International Development, Douglas Alexander. In the afternoon, Mawlana Hazar Imam received David Cameron, Leader of the Conservative Party, at the Ismaili Centre. In the evening, Mawlana Hazar Imam attended a dinner held in his honour by Her Majesty The Queen at Buckingham Palace which was attended by Their Royal Highnesses The Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Charles, the Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Andrew. Mawlana Hazar Imam was accompanied by Prince Amyn, Princess Yasmin, Prince Rahim, Prince Hussain, Princess Khaliya and Princess Zahra. Mawlana Hazar Imam was received most warmly by Her Majesty and was accorded the utmost respect at this special event.

The Jamati Institutions and namdar Mukhi-Kamadiasahebs and Mukhiani-Kamadianisahebas convey heartiest mubaraki to the Jamat for Mawlana Hazar Imam’s Golden Jubilee Padhramni to the United Kingdom Jurisdiction.
Posts: 34
Joined: Mon Jul 04, 2005 2:10 am

Post by xaf »

Admin wrote:Padhramni Announcement
We recognise, and greatly appreciate, the restraint shown by the Jamat in not congregating at venues where Mawlana Hazar Imam was present for official engagements.
Shame on whoever has uttered those words!
First of all, jamat was kept in the dark about Mowla's programmes and engagements. So many jamati members lusting to get a glimpse of Mowla here and there became sad and disillusioned. And now you have the audacity to thank the jamat for not congregating. Shame on you, whoever you are...
We sadly miss the days of leaders such as the late Diwan Sir Eboo who would actually open up the gates of Mowla's bungalow in Nairobi and allow the jamat to line up in the actual drive-way. It was the same Mowla. Infact, in those days He was even busier, at the peak of all His projects. Therefore shame on today's leaders for their narrowmindedness and very, very, very small hearts! And for becoming deliberately deaf and blind towards the fact that our beloved Mowla loves and adores His jamat and becomes more and more happy to see His jamat everywhere He goes.
My only prayer in this jubilee to my beloved Mowla is: Please Mowla, make our leaders nice and grant them compassion and generosity towards the jamat.
All of you join me in saying Ameen from the bottom of your hearts so that Mowla may grant this wish.
Posts: 12
Joined: Sat Jun 18, 2005 4:25 pm


Post by deal588 »

I agree <FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: lawngreen" color=mediumblue>AMEEN</FONT>[/b]
Posts: 25270
Joined: Thu Mar 27, 2003 3:01 pm

Post by kmaherali »

As received.

Account of another non-Ismaili...

July 5, 2008: the most amazing day of my life, the deedar. I wanted to share my happiness and experience with my friends and family.

Few days before the deader i talk to one of my in-laws my Fib in Vancouver and she told me that Agha Khan will come to see non Ismail's as he has in the past Deedar's. Hearing that i was daydreaming and thinking how would it be like seeing him. The night before the deader, i told Karim my husband, i have a feeling that i will see Mullah bap very close up and if i get chance to talk to him i will tell him that he came in my dreams twice and now my dream came true.. BUT.. its not that easy, the moment you see him you forget everything.

This is what exactly happened.

We non Ismail's were in platinum room i would say there was about 5 to
600 of us. we all thought he will come up and see us in the room. I was talking to a friend that i met there, told her that i doubt he would come up here as the room was full and too long of away for him to get up there. I was praying that he would come up to see us as i been waiting for this day for long time. Then they announced that if we want to see him put our hands up and it is voluntary.

Not only i put my hands up i stood up as the excitement was taken over.
After few hours we all went to the exit corridor. As excited and nervous we all were i was thinking where can i stand to have a good view of him, all the front row was taken and full of people. After few minutes of panicking i thought to myself i came this close and yet so far, i would be so disappointed with myself if don't get to see him with the good view. After looking around i found place and stand behind wheelchair and i thought to myself, he will for sure will come and talk to them as they are in wheelchair, or at least i will see him clearly as he passes by.

we I've been told to refer to him as your highness and don't reach out
for him unless he offer his hand.

We were all anticipating his arrival. After few minutes i could hear some
excitement, people and cameras to my right, as he waved and talk to few people, he start walking toward us, the moment he reached us he left the red carpet and stand exactly in front of me, it was less then 1 meter to me.

With his gentle over powering voice he started by saying to us.

" The world and media makes us Muslim look really bad, then he looked
directly to me told me, don't listen to them, we are not bad people with
the very worm smile on his face.

As nervous as i was I said of course Mullah bapa. then he asked me.
I hope you are happy with your family? or Are you happy with your family, i cant remember it very well I replied i am Mullah bapa
Then he asked, if you have any question, idea or suggestion, please don't
hesitate to contact us and let us know.
I replied i will mullah papa. lol

I really wanted to reach to him, but i was so nervous and we also been told not to. Agha Khan said so much more as he was standing in front of me but i could not hear as i did not know where i was at that particular moment. As he was moving forward he give me a worm smile kind of like , that he could see and sense how nervous i was, or maybe he was wondering why am i keep calling him Mullah bapa, since i am not Ismail. :) Come to think of it, he actually didn't talk to the disabled people, but thanks to them i had great view of him and great chance to talk to him.

Then Agha Khan went out to see the volunteers. As he was leaving we were all very happy and start clapping. I was shocked,
overwhelmed and hugged a friend i met there and we were both very excited and said our goodbyes to rush and find our loved ones. I could not wait to see my husband and in-laws to share my joy, and overwhelming experience with them.

As i met Karim and Aly outside i run to them and before i could say anything they both said they saw me on TV when Agha Khan was talking to me. I told them what happened and wanted to cry so much but the moment i met my mother in-law i could not help it , i start crying, bless her she also start crying. It was tears of joy for both of us. At that point i was looking for my father in law and could not wait to tell him about it. We also had my husbands uncle and his wife there from Canada Ada and wadi ma, they were also very happy and over joyed. Our family and friend start hugging me and wanted to know what Agha Khan said to me. Every time i was trying to tell some one about it the treas would flow. it took me few hours to calm down. Now two weeks after dedaar there is not a day goes by that i don't think about it and replay the moment in my mind.

I never felt anything like that in my life. I am so lucky and blessed to have such opportunity and great experience in my life. I wish for all Ismaili and non Ismaili to experience what i have experienced.

It is difficult to describe my feeling and how exactly i felt at the moment, i
also know i may never have such experience in my life again.I will treasure this for the rest of my life.

I wish everyone health, wealth and happiness. I thought i share my overwhelming experience and happiness with everyone and hope you enjoyed reading this as much as i enjoyed the whole experience and writing it.

God bless

Fatana Pardhan
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