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Jug Me(n) Phire Shaahaa Jee Muneree - Translation


jug me(n) phire shaahaa jee muneree,

shaahaa peer gatee-e ghar vaadhaayu(n);

ghaddh aalamot shaahaa dekhaaddeo.................................1

The tidings of the Lord have spread through the world. Blessings be upon the Lord Peer and the community! The Lord has appeared in the fortress of Alamut.

ham bhaaee nito nit sovaagee, alaahaa aayo theeo gatee-e bhaag;

bhaaee paachhame alee shaahaa bhale aayo jee......................2

We are blessed, o brother, with happiness for ever. O God, he has come, and the community enjoys good fortune. Hail the appearance of the Lord Alee in the West, o brother!

nur shaah purakh pichhaanno,

yaaraa aa(n)hee soee peer karee jaanno;

jenne baare hee kalaa su(n) shaahaa likhaayaa jee.................3

Recognise the great Lord of Light, and know him as your Peer, o friend, the one whom the Lord has appointed with twelvefold power.

sohee shaahaa ke sirevo moraa bhaaee,

bhaaeeddaa bhiraa(n)t e na keeje;

jem suraj ugeo em shaahaa bhale aayo jee..........................4

Worship that lord, my brother, and do not fall into doubt, brother. Hail the appearance of the lord, as glorious as the risen sun!

saaheb jee aayo yaaraa e vasa(n)t, vanasapatee sarave moreeyu(n);

emu rikhee-e phule alaa vaas vasaayo jee..........................5

The Master has come like the spring, friend, and all the vegetation has bloomed. So too are the believers filled with flowerlike fragrance.

gateeu(n) gure peere saraaeeu(n), peer meettho ginaan sunnaayaa;

bhaaee nave kha(n)dde me(n) alee shaahaa bhale aayo jee...........6

The members of the community praised their Guide and Peer, and the Peer recited the sweet hymn. Hail the appearance of the Lord Alee in the nine realms, o brother!

daataar tero dar sirevu(n), alee dar tere umaayo aagaa ham;

gatee-e yaare aas tamaaree........................................7

Generous one, we worship your court. O Ali, we are exalted at your court, o Master. Members of the community and friends place their hopes in you alone.

haanne sahee aayo so ee(n)do mu(n)jo dharamee raajaa,

dasame shaahaa asavaaree;

alee paranne shaahaa visav e ku(n)aareeaa.........................8

Soon my righteous sovereign will surely appear, the mounted Tenth Lord. The Lord Alee will wed the maiden creation.

peer jeeo bhanne yaaraa sadar deen,

aa(n)ee sunneeo gateeu(n) ga(n)gaa;

bhaaee aj aj sahee maahaadev nur shaahaa aayo.....................9

Peer Sadardeen says: 'Long life to you, friends. Listen, o holy stream of the congregations: it is today that the great Lord of Light has come, o brothers.'

kiroddeeu(n) yaaraa pa(n)j sat nav baare, anat hee shaahaa taare;

bhaaee so saaheb peere gatee-e shaahaa bhale paayo jee...........10

The five, seven, nine, and twelve crores, friend --- countless are those saved by the Lord. Brother, that Master is the Lord who has fortunately been found by the Peer and the community.

Heritage Society Collection

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