Event - 1989-A

Sunday, 1989, January 1

Second win in three years at Epsom Derby for Hazar Imam. The winning horse was Kahyasi, an 11-1 outsider. Princess Zahra attended this Derby. (see 'Most eligible Princess') (click here)

Princess Zahra Aga Khan

Speech - Event - 1989-A

President of Alzheimer's Disease International-1989-08-12

Princess Yasmin Aga Khan with her mother Rita Hayworth
USA Today Interview

On May 14, 1987, my mother, Rita Hayworth, died. The cause of death was Alzheimer's Disease. I recall how utterly lost and confused I felt when I first heard the name, Alzheimer's Disease. I had no idea what Alzheimer's was or what to expect.

Interview - Event - 1989-A


International Herald Tribune

Coordinateur pour les Nations Unies de l'aide humanitaire et économique en Afghanistan depuis mai 1988. Consultant spécial et chargé de mission auprès du Secrétaire général de l'Organisation des Nations Unies depuis 1978. Rapporteur de la Commission des droits de l'Homme des Nations Unies sur les questions des personnes déplacées (1981). Haut Commissaire adjoint (1962-1965) puis Haut Commissaire des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (1965-1977).

Articles - Event - 1989-A

Alzheimer's Benefit-1989-11-15

Chicago Sun

The Alzheimer's Association put on a party there that had something for absolutely everyone. And let me tell you, this was not just another group of the swells dancing for disease. This was better than just lifestyles of the rich and famous. And if you had any doubts, all you had to do was ask Robin Leach, or any other of the many celebrity guests, including Alan * King, Jane Seymour, Ben E. King and Princess Yasmin Aga Khan. Sugar Rautbord and Elizabeth Drey co-chaired the gala.


Sitting comfortably in his office in the immaculate villa that houses his Bellerive Foundation in Geneva, Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan hardly looks like a man who has taken as his personal agenda many of the world's most pressing problems. The erstwhile townhouse, from which he has directed his various personal philanthropies since 1977, is a grand confection of turn-of-the -century architecture clearly intended, inside and out, to facilitate to the fullest its original owners' enjoyment of their comfortable existence.


Sitting comfortably in his office in the immaculate villa that houses his Bellerive Foundation in Geneva, Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan hardly looks like a man who has taken as his personal agenda many of the world's most pressing problems. The erstwhile townhouse, from which he has directed his various personal philanthropies since 1977, is a grand confection of turn-of-the -century architecture clearly intended, inside and out, to facilitate to the fullest its original owners' enjoyment of their comfortable existence.

Articles - Event - 1989-A

News ArticleAlzheimer's Benefit-1989-11-15 Chicago Sun
Interviewsadletter.jpgLE DEVOIR D'ASSISTANCE-1989-11-03 International Herald Tribune
SpeechPrincess Yasmin Aga Khan with her mother Rita HayworthPresident of Alzheimer's Disease International-1989-08-12 USA Today Interview
News ArticleA NOBLE'S CALLING-1989
News ArticleA NOBLE'S CALLING-1989