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ejee pahelore naam khudaajeeko leeje
     baavaa naam geedde jeev chhutte..............................1

First invoke the name of God. Through invoking His name, honoured sir, the soul is redeemed.

ejee naam geedde shaah teraa mol addaayaa
     us maa(n)he sonekaa chunaa jaddaayaa.........................2

By invoking His name, the Lord has caused a palace to be built for you and plastered it with gold.

ejee mol addaayaa shaah teraa jarukhaa jaddaayaa
     us maa(n)he moman muneevar zule..............................3

The Lord has caused a palace to be built for you and added a balcony to it, on which the pious believers swing.

ejee shaah peer doy meelee karee betthaa
     moman kol tamaaraa sa(m)bhaarojee............................4

The Master(Imaam) and the Guide(Pir) both sit waiting together. O believers, remember your promises.

ejee nav paa(n)teeyu(n) tame neeratsu(n) raakho
     bhaai dasho(n)d saahebjeene aalo.............................5

Nine parts you may comfortably keep. Give the tenth part to the Master, brothers.

Retain and enjoy with satisfaction the nine parts (of your earnings), brother submit the tithe to the Imaam of the time.

ejee shaah parsaade peer boleeyaa hasan shaah
     mawlaa raajaa asvaaree veladdee karjojee.....................6

With the grace of the Lord, Peer Hassan Shaah has spoken(and supplicates:) make haste, o mounted royal Master.

[list of ginans]