The BOND...

By: Abdulmalik Valla

Episode 1

Fastening between 'The Imam' an'
Momin is unparallel,
The bond and the fastening
The Imam of the Time.

Shackle between 'The Imam' an'
Momin is unique,
The bond and shackle
The Imam of the Time.

Though, sun goes down in life,
Bonds shine out;
In darkest night of life,
Bonds grow strong,
Fearless and well content he lay,
Let Imam do the rest.

Whose root is iman,
Hunger for 'Didar', his aim,
He feels imprisoned,
This earthly world he cannot rest.

Full of ambition of Imam and Didar,
Full of enthusiasm of love of Ahl-e-Bayat,
Full of craze, liking of kith and kin of the
'House of Muhammad'.

Into his heart lies carved Sura 42
And chisel the Verse 23:
"Say (O Muhammad, unto mankind):
I ask of you no fee therefore,
Save lovingkindness among kinsfolk.
And whoso scoreth a good deed We add unto
Its good for him.
Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Responsive.

Episode 2.

So furious fastening fly away,
Shackle and iman,
If distrust enter
Betwixt bond and iman.

Surely and softly
Flame life's gains,
And toss away shackle and ties
As birds fly away.

Blurring the vision,
Insight and outsight.

The Door shuts down on his face then,
God tosses them away iman an' 'Didar' then;
Wonderful bond slips away then;
Displeasure of God pours in then.

Didar is denied then and
Choking of breathing remains then.

The Path, 'siratul mustakim' disapeares then,
Scores of paths appears then.
Veer and shift from 'siratul-mustakim'
Unto blustering paths astray he walks then.

Fills the world around him, bogus imams,
Remains he bogey, deeps he unto boggle;
Adopts he then a life, bohemian.
And God takes away eyes and
Takes away He, ears and wisdom.
And remain they, blind, deaf and dumb forever.
"Deaf, dumb and blind; and they return not." (2:18)
By: Abdulmalik Valla-March 17th 2000.